That leads me to right now. I'm sitting on a bench in the park, sucking the medicated air from an inhaler, looking around me at the pretty view. The only thing ruining said view, are the hideous ibis birds that have chosen to crowd around the bin behind me, screeching and squawking for food.

Apparently 'speaking a better day into existence' is just a load of lies.

I stand up from my seat, casting one last longing glimpse at the shimmering harbour, and start walking slowly to the crossing. The red light turns green, and I pick up my pace, just making it onto the road in time with everyone else. It kind of feels like I'm floating. That's how fast I run across the road.

My backpack bounces on my back, an uncomfortable jolt hitting my spine every time from the heavy textbook corner. A car horn honks randomly behind me. I stare at my surroundings, taking in the fresh air, and watching everyone who passes by.

Do you ever think about how everyone is living their own life?

I do. All the time.

It's quite strange, but calming at times to just take a step back from the worries of your life and think about how everyone is dealing with different things at different points.

Like, I could be worrying about what I'm having for lunch, but the person I just walked past could be fretting about how they're going to pay their bills. I could be scared of what's happening in school, whereas my sister could be really excited for a party on the weekend.

These thoughts plague my mind when I stroll into the bright cafe, the yellow and blue walls immediately making warmth seep into my skin. There are luscious vines crawling up the doorway. I sit down at a table next to the wide window, and place my backpack on the ground next to me.

This is when I realise how badly I need a new one.

The once burgundy red colour is barely visible under the strange amount of stickers that cover the fabric. There are little landmarks from all over the world, each one a place I want to visit, along with several feminist and gender equality ones. There are a few personalised stickers, such as the one with my initials and siblings names.

My favourite thing is that each has a memory that accompanies it.

I graze my fingertip over the small turquoise turtle that sits next to the zipper. My sister, Penelope gave me that for my 17th birthday. We had just gotten back from our holiday in Queensland, in which we went to the Great Barrier Reef. The turtle is a reminder of that trip.

A smile wavers over my lips, and a small giggle escapes. Another reason that my bag is covered in stickers, is that many of the designs are tattoos I wanted to get. Maybe one day I will get them done. Maybe.

"Well, well, well. Miss Nixie, how are you?" My friend, Sarah, grins.

I've known her since year seven. She's an absolute gem of a human being. She has the longest blonde hair I've ever seen, and deep caramel coloured eyes. Her skin is always tanned from going to the beach too often, and she loves getting her nails painted, usually a crazy neon colour.

I jump up from my chair to pull her into a hug. Sarah laughs warmly, and hugs me back just as eagerly. We haven't seen each other in months, which is partially my fault, and partially hers. I guess we're both to blame.

"Oh my god, I'm good, how are you?" I smile softly.

"Amazing, as always." She smirks.

"I didn't think you lived down here anymore?"

"I don't. I live up near Bondi now, but I came down to see my parents, and to hopefully run into you."

"Aw, how kind." I laugh.

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