We left and made our way to the bar. It was, as Lydia had said, big. But The Don's Delight didn't have the warm and welcoming feel that the Seventh Heaven did. As Aerith and I stepped inside, we saw it was loud and crowded, full of people both at the tables and the bar. A TV in one corner showed something about an underground coliseum match that would be starting soon here in Wall Market, and I heard voices already placing bets. Others called for more liquor.

We found our man alone slouched at a table near the door, a bottle of beer in his hand. Several empty ones sat in front of him. He was lost in his drink, middle-aged with graying hair and a thin beard. His dark blue shirt was stained with spilled liquor, and the smell of alcohol hung in the air around him as he glanced at us with a pair of dark eyes from under his faded brown hat.

"Yeah?" he said. "Whaddya want?"

"You're the father of that nice girl at the clothing shop, aren't you?" Aerith asked gently.

The man grunted. "I own the place, but I ain't yer dad."

"That's not what I said," Aerith blinked.

I folded my arms in front of me and frowned at the guy. "Make me some clothes. Fast as you can."

He snorted. "The hell with that. I don't make men's clothes. Didn't you see my shop? Just women's stuff. Gant's Boutique. And I ain't in the mood to make nothin' right now."

"Cloud," Aerith pointed to the bar. "Have a drink."

I could tell from her narrowed eyes and irritated tone that this was an order, not a request. So I did as she'd said and had a seat at the bar. It was out of earshot of the small table she and Gant were at, so I couldn't hear what they were saying. But I watched as she sat down to join him, and they cast an occasional glance my way as they talked. I wasn't sure I wanted to know what she was telling him, but he seemed to relax a bit once he heard it, even asking her questions.

As I got my drink, Aerith wrapped up her conversation with Gant, stood up, and smiled before coming to join me. I guess she'd convinced him somehow. I saw him get up himself, a little unsteadily but actually more sober than I'd expected, and leave the bar.

"So he'll do it?" I asked.

Aerith giggled. "Yeah. I... talked him into it."

I grimaced. "Do I wanna know how?"

"Probably not," she smirked. "But he's gone back to the shop to get started. We'd better head back over there ourselves so he can take your measurements. Let's go, Cloud!"

Leaving a few gil on the bar to pay for the drink, I followed Aerith outside and back to the shop. Gant was there behind the counter with a set of tailor's tools and a bolt of purple silk. Ignoring the curious stares of the other customers, I set Buster by the door and reluctantly let him do what he needed to do while Aerith watched. She managed somehow to keep from laughing, but just barely.

"Should be ready in about half an hour," Gant told us when he was finished. He rolled up his measuring tape. "So come back then and try it on, Cloud. Oughta be a good fit."

"Don't worry, he's really good at his work," Lydia smiled, pushing a few strands of brown hair from her face. "I think he likes the challenge you guys've presented him."

Aerith chuckled. "I'm sure he does. Be back soon!"

I turned to her once we walked outside. "So what's next? Looks like we've got my, uh... disguise. Should we see about yours? Or go visit the Trio first? I guess we need their approval."

"The Trio," she decided. "And I know just where to start."

"Chocobo Sam," I nodded.

We found him by the paddock outside the gate, just where we'd left him. Johnny was there as well, walking away dejectedly and muttering to himself. He didn't look up when he passed by us, and I wasn't sure if he even knew we were there at first.

Final Fantasy VII: Lifestream - Book 1: ArrivalWhere stories live. Discover now