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Aerith and I hurried into what had once been the bell tower. It was just a ruin now, though. An old Shinra test rocket must've crashed into this place long ago—its ruined, rusting bulk was lying nose downward from the ceiling all the way to the floor at a steep angle. It had smashed its way through the long set of wooden stairs that rose up to the rafters, leaving gaps here and there as streamers of soft, late afternoon daylight shone through several stained glass windows.

"This way," I pointed to the stairs.

We started climbing, making our way carefully up the old wooden steps as fast as we could until we reached a long landing near the top. It ran along the wall, and at the far end was a ladder leading up to a set of thick oak beams suspended from the ceiling. But right between us and the way out was a large hole in the landing about ten feet across where the rocket had crashed through it.

Just then, Reno led his soldiers into the bell tower after us, running inside and looking around until he glanced up and spotted us. A chilly grin spread across his face as I glared at him and felt Aerith move just a little closer to me. Reno motioned to the soldiers, then pointed toward us with his nightstick.

"Up there!" he said. "Found 'em!"

Aerith took my arm. "Cloud, they're coming!"

I nodded. "I see 'em, Aerith. Looks like they're not just gonna let us walk on outta here."

"Any ideas?" she asked.

"Only one," I answered. "Don't get caught."

Looking back at the gap in the landing, I backed up a few steps and had Aerith do the same. Then I ran and jumped across the hole, easily clearing it and landing lightly on the other side. After straightening up, I turned and motioned for Aerith to follow me. It wasn't that far, and I was pretty sure she could make it.

"Aerith!" I called to her. "Over here!"

She swallowed and peered over the edge, then backed up again in a hurry. "Sorry, Cloud. I don't think I can do this."

I sighed. "Fine. I'll handle 'em."

"Okay," Aerith said. "Don't let 'em catch me!"

Reno glanced at his men. "Looks like the Ancient's on her way out. Let's bring her in, shall we? Get her!"

I was just getting ready to jump back across the gap and head back down the stairs to deal with Reno when the soldiers with him suddenly opened fire. The section of the landing beneath Aerith's feet splintered and collapsed, and she tumbled with a startled shriek down the side of the old rocket all the way to the bottom.

Aerith landed on the floor, a cloud of dust rising around her as she lay flat on her stomach panting for breath. Then she stood up, brushed herself off, and picked up her staff. She was just about to head back up the stairs when the three soldiers started running toward her, Reno not far behind them as he tapped his nightstick.

"No shooting, you idiots!" he spat. "If there's even a scratch on her, you're dead. She's not to be harmed."

Aerith gripped her staff. "That's a relief... I think."

I called down to her. "Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah," she answered. "Could really use a hand here, though."

"Hang on!" I told her.

I had find a way to help her, but how? I didn't have much time, and the soldiers would reach Aerith in just a few seconds, long before I'd be able to. Then, as my eyes drifted up to the rafters again, I suddenly had an idea. I'd spotted something up there I could use, and I ran across the landing and up the ladder as fast as I could.

Final Fantasy VII: Lifestream - Book 1: ArrivalOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora