May 3rd, May 5th, May 12th, and May 13th, 1992

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Hermione hands me a potion. "Harry, only you can go ahead." She says. "There's only enough for one of us. Malfoy and I will go back and help Ron."

I grimace. "Okay, but you're sure this is the right potion?" I ask anxiously.

Hermione nods. "Positive." She drinks her potion and hands it to Draco. He finishes it. "You'll be okay, Harry." She says gently. "Come on, Malfoy." She says.

Hermione heads through the fire. Draco looks at me. "Stay alive, Potter." He says.

I chuckle. "I'll do my best." I say.

Draco smiles and goes through the fire. I drink the potion Hermione handed to me and go through the fire.

I look ahead and see Professor Quirrell. He turns around.

"Ah, I've been expecting you." He says. He's lost his stutter.

"But, you're supposed to be You-Know-Who." I say, confused.

He laughs a merciless laugh. "Oh, but I am." He turns and unwinds his turban. I gasp and clutch at my forehead. My scar burns. A man, or more a snake-man, looks at me. His skin his pure white and his eyes are red slits.

"Use the boy, Quirrell." He hisses.

"Right, yes." He turns back around. "Come stand here, Potter."

I move to where he points. I gasp. The mirror of Erised. But this time, my parents aren't here. Instead, I hold a red stone. My reflection winks at me and puts it in my pocket. I feel a weight.

"What do you see?" He snaps at me.

"I, uh," I have to come up with a lie quickly. "I see myself. I'm shaking hands with Dumbledore!"

"He lies." You-Know-Who hisses.

"Tell the truth, boy!" Quirrell yells.

"I-" I start.

"Kill him." He hisses. "He has the stone."

Quirrell raises his wand. "Avada-" But I leap at him. I seize his hands. His skin starts to crumble away. I gasp. Quirell tries to shake me off, but can't. He screams. I fall back, my scar hurting too bad. The stone falls out of my pocket. Quirell tries to seize it, but I grab his face. He screams louder. I can't hold on...I black out.

I wake up 2 days later, in a hospital bed. Dumbledore stands at the head. I sit up abruptly, my head throbbing.

"The stone!" I shout.

"It has been destroyed." Dumbledore replies.

"But, You-Know-Who-" I start.

"He's gone, for now." He says. "Quirrell was his host body, now that it is gone, so is he for the time being."

"But won't Nicholas Flamel die?" I ask, remembering what Hermione had told us.

"Yes, he will, but he has enough elixir to make arrangements." Dumbledore says.

I nod apprehensively.

"Do you have something to ask me, Harry?" He asks in a gravely voice.

I shake my head.

"In that case, I shall send in your friends. They've been dying to see you." He walks away.

I sit up farther. My head hurts really bad. I groan. Soon, Ron, Hermione and Draco run in.

"Ron!" I gasp, my throat sore.

"I'm fine, mate!" He says. "Madam Pomfrey fixed me right up!"

I nod and cough. "Are you alright?" Hermione asks.

"I'm fine." I say roughly. "What about you?"

"We're fine, Harry." Draco says. "You're the one in the hospital."

I laugh. "True."

In about a week, I get discharged and I go to the end-of-term feast. Slytherin won the house cup with 472 points. Gryffindor had 312.

But Dumbledore claps his hands. "Actually, I have a few last minute points to award." He says. "I give 70 points to Mr. Harry Potter, for his outstanding bravery." I blush as people look at me. Now we have 382 points. "To Mr. Ronald Weasley, I award 50 points, for his cunning skills at chess." It's Ron's turn to blush. "To Miss Hermione Granger, I award 50 points for her smarts and wit." Gryffindor won the house cup!

Everyone reaches over to hug us, but I push them away. I catch Draco's eye and he grins. I grin back.

"Well," Dumbledore says. "It's time for a change in decoration!"

The next day, we arrive on the Platform. I don't get off right away. I say good-bye to Ron and Hermione. Draco stands in front of me.

"Well, see you next year, I guess." He says.

I pull him into a hug. "Good-bye, Draco."

"Bye, Harry." He says, smiling.

I run off and find Moony and Padfoot to tell them all about my year.

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