February 1st, 1992, February 2nd, 1992 and February 3rd, 1992

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It's snowed again, so I walk slowly outside, savoring the weather.

"I though you hated to cold, Potter." Draco drawls.

"Why do insist on doing this?" I ask exasperated.

"What?" Draco asks.

I roll my eyes. "Oh nevermind."

Draco grins. "Come on."

We walk out into the snow. It falls on my hair, clearly visible against the black. I try to brush it off, but of course, it doesn't work, as more just keeps falling. I start running to the tree and Draco follows. I cast a spell so there is no snow directly at the base of the tree. I sit and he sits next to me. I shiver.

Draco rolls his eyes. "Harry, you need to wear more layers." Draco says, annoyed.

"I'm wearing all I have, Draco!" I cry.

He groans. "I don't believe you."

"Well, that doesn't matter." I say indigently. "It's still true."

Draco sighs. "Whatever."

We sit in silence for a bit. I pull my jacket tighter around me. Draco rolls his eyes.

"Draco!" I yell. "It's actively snowing! Leave me alone!"

Draco laughs. "Yeah, yeah, okay."

That evening in the common room, Ron comes barreling in.

"HARRY!" He shouts. "There's..." He pants. "A dog! A three-headed dog! And...Hermione says it's guarding something." He collapses onto a chair. "A something valuable."

I furrow my eyebrows. "Really, how do you know?"

Ron blushes. "Well, Hermione and I, well, we'd gotten in a bit of trouble with Filch, and we ran into a locked room, after unlocking it, of course, and there was the dog! Hermione said that it was standing on a trapdoor." Ron pants. "Yeah. I wonder what's it's guarding."

I nod. "Yeah..."

That night, I sit in bed. I decide to tell Draco about the dog and the trapdoor.


Ron says there's a dog, a three-headed dog in the castle. He said that he and a girl called Hermione found the room when they were running from Filtch. They unlocked it and guess what it was standing on? A trap door! Do you know what it's guarding? Or why it's guarding it? Cause I don't.

I send it quickly to Draco. I wonder what he'll say.

The next morning, I wake to find a letter from Draco.


I have no idea what it's guarding or why. Maybe you should just leave it be. Meddling has never gotten you far. And, I know what you'll say, I do it more, but just...you know, let someone else deal with it. I don't want you dying.

I frown. Draco knows I can't just leave things be. He's being ridiculous.


You know I can't do that. I don't leave things alone. Meet me by the tree.

I send it off with Merlin and walk down to the tree. Soon enough, Draco runs down.

"Hey, Harry!" Draco calls.

"Hey, Draco!" I call back.

He sits next to me. "Hi."

"Hi." I say chuckling.

The snow continues falling on my hair. I shake my head, trying to get it off, but only succeeding in knocking my glasses off. Draco laughs. I grab them and shove them onto my nose, giggling.

"You know that I can't not meddle, right?" I ask

Draco sighs. "I know you can't, I just...I don't want you to get hurt."

I grin and look at my gloved hands. "That's sweet. You could help me, you know." I say, looking up at him.

"Of course I'm going to help you, Harry." He sighs. "I just wish that you didn't have to do it."

I smile gently. "At least you know I have to."

That night, I think about what it could be guarding. Something powerful. Or dangerous. Or valuable. Or all three. I lay back, thinking. Oh, who knows? I need more clues. I roll over. Maybe Ron has some.

The next day, I wake Ron.

"Ugh, Harry, what?" He groans.

"Do you have any more clues for the three-headed dog thing?" I hiss.

"Harry!" He whines. "I don't know!"

I groan and sit on his trunk. "Does Hermione?" I ask suddenly, turning.

"HARRY!" He cries, burying his face in a pillow. "Leave me alone!"

I sigh and get up. I walk down to the great hall, defeated.

Later, I wander to our tree. I see Draco sitting on a branch, higher than normal. His face is white.

"Draco!" I call. "What are you doing?"

"You wouldn't understand, Harry." He shouts back.

"You don't know unless you tell me!" I cry

He frowns. "Well...I can guess."

I sigh. "Draco, come down."

Draco slowly climbs down the tree and hops down to the ground.

"Yes, Harry?" He asks. The blood has come back to his face.

"What. Were. You. Doing?" I ask, pronouncing each word carefully.

Draco runs a hand through his hair. "None of your business, Potter." He elbows past me and head towards the castle.

"Draco!" I call, slapping my hands to my side. "Draco, come on!"

But he walks away.

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