He flings my bra across the room and softly kneads my barely there breasts. I let out a moan and arch my back, leaning up to suck on his jawline. He lets out a low groan and travels his hands to my thong, his fingertips brush against my skin softly. I let out a low growl and flip him on his back. Soft is not what I want. I want it rough.

His eyes glaze over in lust and desire as I pepper kisses down his stomach. I yank the sheet off his body, revealing him in his black Tom Ford briefs. The ones I bought him. The bulge in his briefs is evident, his dick standing at full attention. I tuck my slim fingers in the waistband and tug them off. He lifts his hips to make it easier for me. Once they're all the way off I fling them across the room.

I place a chaste kiss on his lips, his dick brushing my stomach. He lets out a growl as I purposely rub my stomach over the tip. I turn my attention back to his fully erect dick. All nine inches long, veiny, and hard, waiting for attention. 

I grip his dick in my small hands and stroke him softly. He bucks his hips as I rub small circles into his slit. He loves when I do that. Dario's hands grip my thighs hard enough to bruise and the muscles in his neck are taut. 

"Baby..." He pants. "I haven't been inside you in a week. I'm not going to last very long and I do not want to cum in your hand." 

I smirk and pump him faster. "I don't want you to last long. I want to watch you come undone." 

"I think we need to invest in a mirror above the bed because no way in hell am I getting off without letting you go first." 

"It can be my punishment for acting like a brat," I purr. I really want to lick him off my hands. Don't ask me why. I just have the urge. 

"I plan on punishing you in other ways when you least expect it," He grips my chin and forces me to look him in the eyes. So sinful. He uses his other hand to guide my hands and his cock to my pussy. He slips his head inside and I gasp. "Cumming on your tits, your hands, your ass, wherever the fuck you obviously want me to, wouldn't be a punishment. It would be a reward and right now, you don't deserve a reward so let me fuck that perfect pussy of yours. I need my reward and my reward is seeing you pink and raw." 

Holy motherfucking shit!

I really hit the jackpot with my lover. 

He peels my hands off his dick and slides all the way inside. I whimper at the feeling of being stretched. He's so damn big and no matter how many times he fucks me it never gets any less painful. 

Dario grips my wrist in one palm and stretches them over his head. "Grab the headboard." He commands. I do and he trusts with pleasure. "Now ride me, baby." 


"What a way to wake up," Dario pants out from beside me. "I love when you're fucking in charge."

"You should let me be in charge more often," I muse.

"Is this your way of distracting me to get out of having the conversation?" He asks.

"No," I snuggle into his sweaty chest. "This is my way of apologizing for being a bitch the entire week."

"Well then," He leans down to kiss my forehead. "Apology accepted."

"I'm sorry I undermined you in front of your capos, and most trusted men and woman. And I'm sorry for putting off the situation instead of taking the repercussions and talking to you like an adult. But I'm not sorry for killing the motherfucker." I say honestly. I've never apologized to anyone other than my father or Leta. I haven't even apologized to Juan or my brother.

"You've never apologized before have you?" He chuckles.

"Not genuinely, no," I mutter, looking down in shame. I feel you shouldn't apologize unless you mean it. It just seems like an insult to do it out of obligation.

"I accept your apology," He says. "Just next time try to refrain from stabbing me."

"I love you," I kiss his jaw. "And I love you." He replies.

"The Russian fuck," Dario states. "What did you tell him?"

"I told him I was in the middle of a mission to bide time. I think I should keep in contact, play him."

"I completely agree," Dario says. "Feed him false information, lure him in. This is why I love you." Dario praises.

Sergei never goes into the field. He always has men do his dirty work. The only way to kill him is to do it from the inside. I, of course, won't tell Dario that.


Short I know. I rewrote this chapter like four times and for some reason I got a case of writers block. Granted I did get distracted by babysitting and Grey's Anatomy.

Loving The Lawyer (18+)Where stories live. Discover now