
5 1 0

A low buzzing sound awakes Isadora. She groans, rolling over to bury her head in her pillow. Her entire body aches deliciously, the complete opposite to the comedown from a high, and she thinks she could get used to this.



She blearily opens her eyes, looking at the other side of her bed. It is decidedly empty, the mussed blankets cool to her touch.

Isadora looks over at her bedside table as her mobile phone vibrates again, the glow of the screen shielded by the surface of the table.

Sent: 10:26am

These are good drafts.


Sent: 10:27am

Amazing, in fact.


Isadora is opening a new text to reply when a crippling pain explodes in her chest. Her vision goes white and she's wracked with waves of agony. After an eternity, they recede.

There's more muffled buzzing, and Isadora gropes through her sheets, her hands sweaty and her breath coming in ragged gasps.

Sent: 10:35am

I have a couple of notes

though, I'll send them

later. I'd also like to talk.

This could easily be

enough for a book.


Isadora fumbles at the screen, taking twice as long as usual to shakily tap out a reply.

Sent: 10:37am

not drafts. theyre finished

Sent: 10:40am

I thought we'd agreed to

work on reducing the

"robotic, technical,

emotionless voice that

characterises the majority of

Isadora Heroux's pieces"?

-Sandra Barnes,

The Times Magazine

Sent: 10:41am

not these ones. theyre


Sent: 10:43am

Fine. We'll talk after

the publicity meeting

tomorrow evening. By

the way I'd appreciate

it if you turned up.


Sent: 10:44am

i want to do the reading

Sent: 10:47am

Who are you and what

have you done with

Isadora Heroux?


Sent: 10:48am

Im serious.

Sent: 10:48am

Really? You're sure?


Sent: 10:49


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