Memories from a Magical night

Start from the beginning

Cheryl blushes

Cheryl- How could you not when you're married to her, she says pointing to Toni

Betty- Looks like it's about to start, whatever is really happening. I'm not complaining at all she says smiling at Jughead.

Cheryl feels herself being pulled towards Toni. 

In reality it was just Reggie and Archie pushing her a tad closer

Toni- Ready? she whispers to her wife

(Slow motion by trey songz plays in the background )

Toni and her grooms get into formation for their little dance for their lovers.

* I'll leave it to your imagination to how they're dancing 😉*

Josie - I don't know about you there's something about them grinding on the floor that just activates sexual tension .

Everyone turns their head towards Josie

Josie- What it does she says looking at her man

Moments after of the grooms dance number

Toni- So what'd you think babe?

Cheryl- Wetter by the minute daddy she pulls Toni in by the collar of her white button up

Choni has been making out for a good minute until Kevin interrupts them .

Kevin- Hey you guys he yells a little above a whisper

Cheryl rests her hands on Toni's shoulders

Kevin- Hey!

Cheryl- What! she yells pulling away from Toni

Kevin- Justin Bieber wants to talk to Toni about the yummy remix they were planning to do.

Toni- Oh yeah tell him I'll be right there .

Kevin- You better hurry before Betty has an aneurysm, he says walking away sipping from his glass of Shirley Temple.

Toni scrunches her eyebrows

Toni- You'll be ok while I'm gone right honey?

Cheryl- Yeah, I have the girls plus Ariana is sitting right there she says pointing to her

Toni- You were there the whole time ? She says scrunching her eyebrows

Ariana- Yeah and I'm kinda offended this is the first time you're noticing me. She says crossing her arms

Toni- Anyways I'll be back bye she says pecking her wife's lips

Toni- And see you later Ari she says jogging away

Ariana- So, Cheryl plan on having any kids anytime soon?

Cheryl- Actually, Toni and I already have two kids.

Ariana- Oh my god really what are their names?

Cheryl- They're twins one boy and one girl. My son's name is Audaz Teroso Jason Topaz. Audaz means fearless and Tereso means treasure in Spanish. And his middle name takes after my brother who is no longer with us. Toni picked his name she wanted each of them to have a piece of something special from us. For our baby girl I choose the name Belle chérie Rose Topaz. Belle means beautiful and chérie means darling in French. and her middle name rose takes after my grandmother.

Ariana- Those names are so creative and cool. Do you have any pictures of them?

Cheryl- Yeah see she says pulling out her phone

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