Chapter Four- The Force Senses All

Start from the beginning

"I'm sure 'almost' wouldn't be a useful word in a battle, Rey" he said.

"Where did you go?" asked Rey.

Kylo didn't answer, instead he simply passed the girl.

"Are you alright, Kylo?"

Ren stopped dead. Rey had never used that name before.

"Yeah" said Kylo. "Are you ready to go?"


"Follow me."

They left Ren's chambers and began to walk the Death Star's corridors of darkness.


The second Death Star was only half built, and with most of it blown up that night of Han's death, there were patches of land that were completely natural and breathable.

Rey and Kylo Ren were stood in a clearing. The ground was layered with snow, it fell too, covering the branches of fir trees and making the scene look like a pure Winter Wonderland. A winters breeze was floating around Rey, making her occasionally shiver. Ren had his mask clad over his head.

"When you take my hand, we will not be weak" said Ren "we cannot risk more death."

"If we cannot risk more death then why do you cause it constantly?" said Rey.

"I don't, the First Order does though. They are the ones who took everything away from us. Your parents, my family. You should be angry at them, not me." Said Ren.

"I'm angry at both. And I will never take your hand." Said Rey.

"We'll see" said Ren.

They walked over to where a ring of rocks lay on the ground.

"This was where you use to train wasn't it?" asked Rey, examining the area.

"It got me strong in the force" he said. "just like it will you."

"I need no teacher." Rey said.

"Yes, you do." Responded Ren.

"If anyone is going to train me it will be Luke Skywalker." She spoke.

Kylo visible stiffened.

"Luke Skywalker is a fool and a joke of a Jedi Master, so much of one that he could not even keep his own nephew safe."

"The creation of Kylo Ren was not Luke Skywalker's fault, it was yours."

"Believe it if you like, it's not true. When the time comes when you do find out the truth, it will only hurt more. Anyway, you as his student will only deliver you to me in the darkness."

"Or it will deliver you to me in the light" she said.

Ren said nothing.

"Try and lift this" he said, pointing to a smaller rock.

Rey glared at him for a moment and shot out her hand while she stated at it. She looked ridiculous. It was like the girl was having a staring contest with a piece of earth.

"What are you doing?" said Kylo.

"What you said to do" Rey answered.

"That's not in any way what I said to do" he said.

"Ok then, you try" Rey challenged.

Ren easily hand out his hand, focused on the rock and lifted it into mid-air. He tilted his head towards Rey.

"Happy?" he said.

Rey rolled her eyes. "Instead of showing off, why don't you leave me alone so I can try."

"Fine, I'll be back in an hour" he said, as he walked off towards civilisation.

Rey watched him go and then tried again.

A fail.


Almost an hour had passed. It was a few minutes before Kylo was due to come and check on Rey.

He was just walking up the path and she was on the brink of lifting the rock when everything in their minds went quiet. Rey opened her eyes and suddenly felt like she was being sucked into something. Kylo felt exactly the same thing.

Thye could see each other. They were minues away and facing oppostite directiors, but they could see each other.

"Ben?" breathed Rey, looking right at him.

"Rey?" the man breathed as well.

Suddenly all emotions came back to Rey. "You're going to pay for what you did."

"Can you see my surroundings" asked Kylo as he looked around.

"Murderous snake!"

"I can't see yours. Just you."

Suddenly, a load gun shot came from the Death Star's buildings. The connection between Rey and Kylo broke and they both saw a single x-wing fighter jet land where Stormtroopers surrounded them.

In a second, Rey had run down from the rock circle and past Kylo towards the ship. Kylo sprinted after her. He knew what she was trying to do, and quite frankly, he didn't blame her.

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