Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

"She's been sulking ever since we left the set." Thomas mumbled under his breath as he eyed Summer out of the corner of his eye. He watched as she stabbed around at the peas on her plate, only taking a bite every now and again.

Natalie frowned. "Did something happen while you guys were there?" She whispered quietly.

Thomas shook his head. "She was with me the whole day, the only time she was alone was when she went to the bathroom by herself." He whispered back, "Nothing could've happened during that time. She was gone for like six minutes max."

Summer placed her fork down onto her plate, the sound gaining her parent's attention. "You know, if you guys are going to talk about me, at least learn how to whisper a little bit better."

"Oh, we're sorry, we thought you were too busy playing cops and robbers with your peas to notice." Thomas said smartly, "Now what's eating you since you aren't doing any eating? I thought today went well." He said, slightly concerned. "Did you not have fun?"

Summer felt a little bad. Her mind had just been so preoccupied with the guy she had run in today. It wasn't like she knew him or anything, and maybe she was just reading too much into it, but the look he had given her when he had seen her sitting beside Thomas was bothering her to her core.

During the few minutes that they had spoken to one another, he had seemed like a decent guy, nice too, but the look he had given her had been the exact opposite. Jerk, she thought as she looked back over at her parents.

"I'm sorry, I'm still just a little tired. I didn't get much sleep last night." She pushed her plate forward, signaling that she was done. "May I be excused?"

Natalie watched her closely. "If you're sure you're alright, then yes."

"Thank you." She stood up, stopping when she noticed the sad look on her dad's face. "And Dad, today was great. I really did enjoy myself and can't wait to go back tomorrow, I'm just really tired." She said again, "I love you guys, Goodnight." She waved before heading up stairs and getting into bed.

She stared up at her ceiling for awhile before sighing loudly as she pulled out her phone and began dialing up one of her cousin's numbers.

      "Well, if it isn't my big cousin, Summer," Marcus, Dane's son, sung loudly over the receiver. "What horrible thing did I do this week? You never call me."

Summer could imagine the stupid smirk on his face. He knew why she was calling, it was always pertaining to the same thing.

       "I have a question." She replied quietly, hating that he was the only one she could ever talk about these sort of things with.

       "About?" He said, grinning.

"I met someone today..well, more like ran into them and made a complete fool out of myself while I was with my dad on one of his new projects."

Marcus hummed into the phone. "A guy I'm guessing?"

      "Yes." She agreed.

"So?" He prompted, waiting for her to elaborate.

"So?" She repeated.

"So, tell me what's up? Apparently it's something if you're calling me to ask for advice." He chuckled, "You must have a little crush on him." He teased.

      "I do not have a crush on him," she argued. "He was very handsome, but that's beside the point. I'm just..confused." She trailed, not knowing how to start. "We only talked for a few minutes, really just apologizing to one another, but he seemed like a nice guy."

      "But?" Marcus said, knowing there was more.

She laid her head back against her pillow. "But after we parted ways, he ended up seeing me later and smiled at me, but when he noticed me sitting by Thomas, he frowned. What could that mean?"

     "Maybe he realized just how ugly you were." He said plainly as she yelled.

"Be serious!"

      "Okay, I'm kidding." He continued, "Well, if he saw you next to your old man, maybe he didn't know you were his daughter? Not too many people know you, Summer, maybe he was just confused as to why you were sitting by the man who funded the movie." He said before adding, "or maybe-"

    "Maybe what?" She asked.

"- he thinks you're a gold digger." He finished simply.

       "I'm hanging up." Summer said annoyed.

"Wait, you know I'm just kidding." He cut in, just as she hit the end button.

That dummy plays entirely too much. She closed her eyes in annoyance. She knew she shouldn't have called him in the first place. She figured that since he was so used to being around people, that maybe he could help her figure out what the look had been about, but turns out she was wrong.

She held her head between her hands. Why am I even obsessing over this. She wanted to yell. It's not like she knew the man, so why did she care so much about the stupid look he had given her?

Because you thought he was cuteee. That sing song voice sung in her head. She frowned, that voice sounded a lot more like Marcus's than her own.

She laid a hand across her face as she calmed herself. It was true, she did think he was cute, but she was done with dating. All the guys she had ever talked to always turned out to be no good losers that only wanted one thing after they found out who she was connected too.

Well, maybe he's different. He's already famous, that voice told her. I doubt he'll use you.

She shook the thought away. I'm freaking crazy. She whispered, I'm obsessing over a guy I've only met for like five minutes who then later looked at me like I disgusted him and I'm already turning down the idea of dating him in my head and the guy probably doesn't even like me at all.

    "Yeah, I'm freaking crazy." She confirmed aloud, "It's definitely time to go to sleep, and forget that this whole thing ever happened." Great, now I'm talking to myself.

Summer turned her phone off and rolled over in bed, pulling the covers up to her neck. She would just go to sleep, and forget about the whole thing. Who cared about Ryan, who cared about that stupid look he had given her, and who cared that he was handsome. Certainly not her, or at least that's what she would keep telling herself in an attempt to actually start believing it.

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