
Start from the beginning

I focus again, bringing up notes from last lesson’s lecture and excuse myself to grab some books that might help. I mean this was the library, might as well take advantage of it. I file through the bookshelves systematically, from section to the shelf dedicated to what we were being taught to the alphabetical way the books were organised. I looked through the books, looking quickly at the title and blurb, picking up books as I went along.

By the end, I had a sizable collection of sources and books I could use in my presentation. Oh yeah, this is a presentation. I can’t socialize. I can’t talk to people. I can talk well, just not in front of people. Super logical.

I mentally sigh.

Talking to people is hard for several reasons I’ll have you know.
One- talking to people is just hard.
Two- you can literally see their reactions, you could see the disapproving, displeased expressions whenever a single mistake would occur. It would be the kind of stares that made you want to exit from reality and stay in a distant universe where people were anything but this. Or even better, didn’t exist.
Third- you think too much, thoughts are constantly rushing through your head as the glances, the looks, the stares, makes it so difficult to speak and you feel words stuck in your throat and everything so small feels so big and-

Yeah, no, I could make a whole fifty-one essay on this type of thing easily, just give me I dunno, a week and six all nighters?

I don’t get any sleep anyway, it’d be fine probably. What could go wrong? My sleep schedule? Most of the people here don't get more than five minutes of sleep anyway, this is American highschool after all. Can you tell I despise school? I hope so.

I return to my table, starting to quickly skim through the material, getting the smaller books done in around forty five minutes. I would have to read the larger books later at home or in the library afterschool.

‘Uh hello?’

I look up to the voice, ‘What?’

‘I’ve been calling your name for like five minutes, you alright?’

‘Yeah, er, just distracted us all. You need somethin’?’

‘The bell for break has rung,’ he motions slightly to his tidied up workspace,’ are you going to go to break? Anyway, where are your friends? I haven’t seen any of them actually.’

‘Yeah, Tommy’s sick with a cold, Wilbur is taking care of his sickly brother and Philza’s busy with the end of the school year and all.’
Why did I just tell him so much? Why is it so easy to talk with this guy, for potatoes sake, why.

‘Wanna spend break with us then? Us being Sapnap, George and I of course.’

I regret everything. Do I refuse and get on with my day or do I accept and experience possibly the most awkward interlude of my life. Can I say no and escape with my conscience? I doubt it.

‘Uh, yeah.’ I mutter ‘I think’ underneath my breath. I can only pray I wasn’t heard.

Oh maybe I was.

‘Alright, start tidying up will you?’ he starts putting items into my backpack in the way I preferred to (so he organises his backpack the same way I do, big deal) ’, we don’t have forever afterall.’


He passes me my backpack, putting on his own and giving a goofy grin in which I can’t help but smile at.

He gently grabs me by my wrist, his grip loose but slightly firm, as he led me through the building.

I swear I could physically feel the stares piercing me, the whispers and mumbles of the stupid students of this school. One moment they’d like you and soon as they found fault, rumors dispersed and embedded itself in the mind of the adolescents. I had seen it happen, it was only a moment of time before it would happen to me.

I can’t remember one popular kid who left the school without their names tarnished and ruined, some blissfully ignorant enough to not even know the rumors spiraling behind their backs.

Dream at least seems aware, but still does it nonetheless. Episode two hundred and fifty five of Technoblade Confusion.

‘Hey Sapnap, George. Say hi to this guy, he’s joining us for break!’

‘You act as if we don’t know him or something,’ the noiret chuckled, his head leaned slightly backwards.

‘I suppose so,’ he let go of my hand, walking around aimlessly with large and slow steps, ending his parade in a smile.

'Well, hello this guy, nice to meet you. I'm Nick or Sapnap, I prefer the second of the two.'

'I'm George. Hi,' the brunet waved faintly.

My cue to speak? Probably.

'Hello, I'm this or that guy or Techno. Either one works.'

'Well that's introductions over! He's going to stay with us for break, like I said. '

'I mean I don't mind but why?'

'His friends are all busy or sick, figure I'd bring the lonely guy along.'

'I'm not lonely-'

[2149 words]

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