Chapter Thirty-Five

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Eventually, they stabilized her and moved her to a patient's room. Her little body was put through so much stress that she fell asleep. When she came to and opened her eyes the first thing she saw was her mummy standing over her.

"Hi sweet girl."

"Mama!" She reached for her mother. Leigh did her best to hug her without disturbing any of the wires or tubes.

"That was scary right?" Chloe nodded and whimpered.

"It's okay. You're all better now. No more nuts for you." She said tapping her button nose and Chloe giggled. The oxygen mask was replaced with a nose cannula. She yawned and her eyes drooped but then they popped open again.

"How about you take another nap? I'll be right here when you wake up." Leigh gently rubbed a spot in the middle of her forehead in clockwise circles until her eyes drooped closed. "I love you." Leigh whispered as Chloe's breathing evened out.

Leigh stared at her daughter. She looked even smaller and more fragile as she lay in the bed connected to various tubes and wires. She felt her eyes burn as tears welled in them. She came so close to losing her. Her train of thought was interrupted as she sensed someone behind her. She blinked away her tears and turned around and saw Jordan. He has one hand in his pocket and the other was holding her stuffed puppy. His eyes were red as if he were crying. It was then Leigh saw how much he really loved their little girl. Even if he didn't want her at first. Maybe she shouldn't be so hard on him.

"I thought she'd want this." He said holding up the toy.

"She'd be very happy to see it." Leigh said walking over and taking it from him and tucking it in the child's arms.

"Leigh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen." His voice cracked.

Wordlessly, she stepped closer to him and opened her arms. He was taken aback at the gesture but accepted. Leigh rubbed circles in his back and she felt him shake a little. 

"It's not your fault." She whispered in his ear. "You didn't know. We didn't know."

"I almost killed her." She felt her shoulder get slightly wet.

"You got her to the hospital just in time. She's okay. You can relax now. She's okay."

They remained in that position until he was ready to pull away. He cleared his throat.


"No problem."

"Sorry about your shirt." Leigh looked at the wet spot on her shirt. She took her hair and covered it.

"All better." Jordan chuckled. Just then, the doctor from before came in the room. His nametag read 'Dr. Browne'.

"Is she still sleeping?" He asked checking the monitors and inputting the data in his tablet.

"She woke up but she just fell asleep again."

"Poor thing. I'll let her rest. When she properly wakes up, press that call button and I'll come back to finish examine her. I'd recommend after this to take her to an allergist to see what other allergies she may have to avoid another unexpected hospital trip. You can do it tomorrow or another day. There's one on the pediatric floor that will do it tomorrow. Her name's Dr. Torres." Dr. Browne looked between the two as if he were about to say something but shook his head and left.

"You saw that right?" Leigh asked.

"Yeah. What was that about?" Jordan asked. 

"No idea." Leigh replied, crossing her arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2021 ⏰

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