[ Prologue ] | One Must Rule All |

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- Let us try this! A lot of you liked this and I really hope you like the entire idea of it fully written out! I do, however, need a cover. If any of you guys are good at making covers, I would be honored if you can make me a cover! I can't make covers I can only do edits and since my tablet is being a fucking asshole, I can't save the pictures I want to try and make it so I was wondering if you guys can help me~!

The Cover I Would Like ~ Since the book is focusing on Kootra of the Creature Hub, Geoff of Achievement Hunter, and Cryaotic of Late Night Crew, I would like like a picture of Geoff, Cry and Kootra and you know them lightning bolts that seperate pictures sometimes? Yeah, I want that. As well as the title. And any other sort of edit that you would like to add for your own personal touch! If you make it, you can add your name to the cover so people won't steal.

Anyway! Too the book!


~ Geoff's Third-Person Point of View ~

"Look at them fuckers over there. We have two other kingdoms between us and we can't even take control of either of them. I blame you assholes. You guys can't do anything right. I tell you to do something, and it isn't done to its extent. What am I going to do with you?"

Geoff speaks to his men as if he was about ready to banish them from the kingdom; but he would never do that. He needed them to be able to take over the kingdom. The only one within the kingdom walls that Geoff trusts with almost everything is his right-hand man Michael. Michael was really the only one who listened to Geoff's words and did all that he could to get it all done. The tempered male is also married, as well as Geoff, but Griffen wasn't around at the moment, her and Lindsay were out doing girl things since Geoff told them they can take a little break but to be back once everything they wanted to take care of was finished.

The most dumbest in the group of men was Gavin. He maybe an expert with putting secret cameras and setting them up to almost perfection in the other kingdoms, but he tends to get caught rather easily and the deed is most of the time never done which pisses Geoff off madly. Gavin is Michael's so called best friend; they're always hanging out together if he's not with his wife. Gavin most of the time makes Michael pissed off at him which in turn makes the tempered man want to behead the clumsy Brit, but he would never do that. It's just empty threats.

Ryan and Jack were like Gavin but were not clumsy and rather stupid when doing things. Ryan was the one to make traps outside of the kingdom in case anything decided to show up unannounced and would usually end up getting killed in the process. Some say he may be a bit insane when it comes to sticking things in holes but Geoff won't say anything about it. He just shakes his head and rolls his eyes. Jack usually helps Gavin around the place with electronic things, but he never goes out with the Brit knowing that he'll end up being caught with him so he decided to let the idiot get in trouble by himself and laugh it off once he comes back to the kingdom.

The final was Ray; he really doesn't do much around the area other than making jokes and running around at moments that need it saying just blaze! to get a laugh every now and then. Half the time, Goeff wanted him to be somewhat of a jester since he's sarcastic and rather funny at times but he just lets him be where he is; he'll find something to do eventually other than just being a weirdo.

Geoff sighs as he gets up, pointing out the large window that looks out towards the two kingdoms beside him, rolling his eyes; one of them in particular looked rather ominous and he wanted to know who the hell ran it since it seemed that neither of the ones within his kingdom has seen them, "We need to take that one out first," Geoff speaks as he gestures for the others to come and join him, his tattooed arm pointing to the kingdom. "I don't even know who the hell runs that shit."

"Maybe it's abandoned. We should go raid it..!"

"You go do that, Gavin. We'll write out your grave once you're gone."

"Micoo! That's so mean..!"

"Then don't be dumb you fucker! Someone runs it they just don't show their presence to any of us!"

"But what about the other one, Geoff?" Ryan. He was usually the one to get out points to the boss-man that he may have overlooked.

"What about it?"

"They got twice as many people as we do so they seem like the ones to take out first. The more people, the more power. The less people, the less power we'll need to take them down. That one across from the mysterious one needs to go first. The one who runs it is a scrawny dude so he should be easy to take down."

~ Outside the Achievement Hunter Kingdom ~

A male dressed in what seems to be some sort of sorcerer clothing was eavesdropping on the others in the kingdom; he had a book held within his hands as he was staring at it, mouthing what would be an incation to be able to do so and he was getting a lot of information to bring back to his won kingdom.

Once the male got all the information he needed, he closed his book and made his way back to his own kingdom and made his way to his kings room, knocking on the door before he entered, "My King, I have the information you have requested."

The king looked up as a soft smile played on his features, a small nod can be seen as he held out his hand for the others magical book. The blonde male walked over and handed the King his book as he opened it to the first page, the words of the other kingdoms words were written on the magical paper as the King reads through it. Once he read through everything and now was staring at a blank page, he slammed the book closed, magical dust escaping the old pages as he hands the book back to the sorcerer.

"Thank you, Seamus, this will come in handy rather soon. If you have no other information to tell me, you are free to go."

The male known as Seamus nods as he tucks his book in his cloak and made his way out of the Kings room and closing the door.

The king, who is named Jordan sighs as he moved towards the window as he stares at the kingdom ahead of him; said kingdom was the one who was planning everything and he will have nothing of it. He doesn't want to form an alliance with the other kingdom since he isn't sure if anyone was even around over there, so he'll have to do this on his own with his own people, and hopefully, he'll be he one to succeed.

~ The Kingdom of the Unknown ~

"Pewdie... Do you have everything settled for our trip to the other kingdoms? I don't wish to go unprepared."

The male known as Pewdie only nods to his King, a little smile on his face, "Everything is set, Cry..! We'll be ready to strike in a few hours."

"Good... Good.."


Hah! I finally got the prologue finished! I am so happy! This took me a bit to write but I really hope you guys enjoy it! If you want to request anything to help the story grow more interesting, go right ahead~!

If you liked this part and want some more, let me know and I shall see what I can do! If you also liked this part, give it a star~! If you want to get to know me on a personal level or just fangirl about YouTubers or just chat, follow my Twitter! @xQueenOfHorror. I don't bite. Much. And, if you want, you can follow me.~ I'll appriacte it with a passion.~

I love you~!

~ The-Writer-Of-Sins

[ AKA ]

~ SinfulWordMaster.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2015 ⏰

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