The Abomination

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  The Abomination

A strange, anthropomorphic-like being. Even now as I think back to its strange, grotesque yet human qualities, I cannot explain the unfathomable abomination that I saw the night of January 7th, 2021. I was driving home from work late into the night, probably around 1 in the morning. The night was cold, and the wind was harsh like blades cutting through your skin. The moon brought light to this darkened world that brought thoughts of a dark, nightmarish world that only an author could come to describe.

I drove on a lonesome road, one that hadn't seen civilization in god knows how long. This grim night was only sugar coated with the knowledge that when I got home, I would be able to rest my sunken eyes into the soft, comforting sheets of my bed. I lived alone at the age of 27, in an old apartment building. While it was dirty and unpleasant, it was the only apartment I could afford at the time. But later on this year, I would be able to move out of the apartment and into a house that I could call my own.

There was no one waiting for me at home, and I lived a single life for roughly a year now. My last break up was a harsh one, a relationship that lasted for four years before the knowledge of being cheated on came to mind. It was devastating for me to learn that the woman I committed almost everything to so easily cheated on me and left me stranded on the island of one-sided love. Although I have mostly escaped this saddening emotion, I still sometimes question if I did something wrong to her. These moments were a part of that.

As I drove down the empty, lightless road, I thought about Diane and what I did to her to cause her to cheat on me. Was it something I said? Or was it something that I did or if I looked at someone the wrong way? As I thought about this, I noticed something from the corner of my eye. As I glanced over to what I saw, I noticed a small figure on the side of the road.

In the flash of an instant, I quickly stopped my car and looked at my side view mirror to see what it was I saw. Within the side view mirror, I saw a child-like figure on the opposite side of the road from where I was, around five meters from my car. Startled and confused, I stepped out of the car and looked over to the kid. The kid was in a light grey coat and dark black pants, but he was facing away from me and I couldn't see him all that well. The kid looked to be around ten or eleven, too young to be out here at this late of night.

"Hey kid, where are your parents?!" I yelled out to him, but the kid made no movements. He was as still as a mannequin, there wasn't even fog to show breathing from what I saw. I grabbed my coat and quickly walked towards him, with my phone in hand. I turned on the flashlight and pointed it in his direction, but upon doing that I noticed a change. The kid had his head turned back, looking over his shoulder.

This kid, still shadowed by his hood, was staring back at me with pure white eyes. The way this kid looked back at me sent shivers down my spine and brought a strange, almost intimidation like feeling to me. This feeling of uneasiness and fear. I stopped and stood there, the light from my phone creeping towards the kid.

"Where do you live?" I asked, trying to maintain calmness. My voice however came out as a weak whisper. The kid turned his head away from me and darted into the woods that was next to the road. In a state of realization and panic, I ran after him.

"Hey kid wait, I can bring you home!" I yelled out, as I ran after him into the woods. My body was freezing as snowflakes began to fall, and it became harder to breathe as I followed the kid. I could feel the snow melt onto my face as I ran, and it mixed in with my sweat. After several moments of chasing the kid in the woods, I stopped and stood there as he continued running without a change in pace. It was as if he wasn't feeling any tiredness from running, unlike me who was practically exhausted.

I stood there, trying to catch my breath and wrap my head around what had happened. The fear I felt when that kid was looking back at me, what was it? Why did it come in response to him looking back at me? There had to be more to that kid, something paranormal and strange that I could not describe. I felt panicked at the possibilities and decided that it wasn't worth it to try and figure out these questions.

I turned around and slowly made my way back to my car, but as I did I felt something. I felt a strange sensation, as if something was watching me. Fearful, I glanced behind me but alas, nothing was there behind those nightmarish trees. Fearful, I began walking a little faster and as I did, the feeling got worse. This feeling, surrounding my thoughts and soon clouding everything that I was thinking of.

As I got closer to the road, I heard twigs snapping behind me. As I did, I began to run, run as fast as I could. The twigs began snapping faster and louder, the noise echoing in my ear as my breathing became worse. My body overflowed with adrenaline, but was also aching and cold. In fear and desperation, I turned around to see what was behind me, but as I did, every ounce of my being regretted it.

This creature, one of unfathomable creation, chased after me with such haste that my body almost crumpled and broke. Its body was like that of some sort of bug, all of its arms and legs carrying what little of a body it had. Its body, so small and frail like a human who was severely malnourished, despite its arms being out proportioned. How do I even describe this being on paper? Its body was so strange that even now as I look back into my dark memory, I cannot even piece together what it was I saw.

Its head was so small and frail I believe, it looked almost skeletal. Its eyes, it's dark yet shiny, almost beed like eyes. How they glared at me with such violence, such hatred. My body feels weak even now thinking back to it. I continued to run until I felt the gravel of the road.

Upon reaching the road, I quickly looked around for my car. Out in the distance, roughly thirty meters away, I saw its headlights. In a surge of fear, desperation, and adrenaline, I ran for those headlights faster than ever in my life. I heard the creature make it to the road, its strange feet hitting and impaling the road like arrows. Suddenly, a loud screech filled my ears as I ran for my car.

That screech, that is the thing that haunts my dreams. That screech is the one thing that will never escape my mind no matter how much I try to focus on anything else in my life. I heard it chasing after me on the road, and I quickly made it to my car. I dove inside the car and floored the gas without even sitting down. I quickly sat down and closed the door before looking into the rearview mirror.

The creature stopped chasing after me and as it stood there, I saw the body of the kid impaled by one of its legs. That creature stared at me with eyes of anger as I drove before concealing itself with the shadow of night. I continued driving as fast as I could, and upon making it to the apartment building, I sprinted all the way to my room. I bursted into the apartment and made a lot of noise upon entering inside, then I frantically slammed the door shut. I stood there, trying to catch my breath as I fell onto the ground.

Upon laying down, I cried. The reason I cried, I do not fully understand. This experience was horrifying, and I couldn't work for a few days. I covered up my absence by stating there was a sudden family death and stayed home, hidden from whatever that creature was. I only felt safe in my apartment room, and even then the thought of seeing that kid again or the creature was so overbearing that it nauseated me.

Overtime, I became less paranoid of the event and life returned to normal. I moved out of the apartment and I now have more stable living conditions. But even now, after all these years I still have fear. Fear that I will one day look out the window only to see that kid, watching me from a distance as I try to forget that grotesque monster. That creature, so horrifying and so grotesque, that creature was an Abomination...   

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