Chapter 12 - When I Picked Her Up

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- Two years ago -

| Dylan |

THE FIRST STUDENTS were making their way out of the building as I pulled into the parking lot of The Walker. I got a few stares as I got out, leaned back against the hood of the car and settled in to wait.

One of the benefits of looking like a punk was nobody dared to approach me. I prefered it that way. Harrison High was a good school, but nobody there dressed like they were going to step into a f**king runway show like some of the spoiled kids here. Being around them made me uneasy, I'd die before I let them see that though.

I was who I was and had no regrets at all about the choices that had led me here. I'd had to grow fast and work hard after my parents' death, I doubted any of these kids knew what that word 'work' even meant. Some people were born with a silver spoon and thought that gave them the right to look down upon others. 

I could feel their judging eyes taking in the shaved head, then sliding along my tattooed arms. Stationed between a Toyota Camry and a Jeep Compass my old ride looked like a piece of junk. I couldn't look more out of place if I tried.

I didn't feel out of place with Charlotte.

Which was contradictory, because we run in completely different circles. She didn't fit the mold and that disconcerted me. Twice now we'd been thrown together, and both times she'd interacted with me as if I was part of her crowd. No. Not her crowd. It was like she saw me. The real me. I had never experienced that with anyone outside my tight circle of friends.

Being around her felt like stepping into the sunshine after a long period of darkness.

And I wanted to bask in it.

I spotted her blond head before I really saw her. Her hair caught the sun just right, giving her that ethereal air. My eyes slowly made a trek down her lean form, the dusty rose overall dress and plain white T-shirt weren't what I'd call hot, but they worked on her. I could already feel myself tensing at the sight of her bare legs.

Somewhere at the back of my mind I wondered what the ever-loving f**k I was doing. She hadn't seen me yet. It wasn't too late to turn back around and forget I'd showed up here in the first place.

I shook off the thought. Now wasn't the time for second guesses. I'd had time to think about this long and hard after Reed dropped the bomb on me. I wondered if Ryan picked her up from school. I hadn't considered the possibility until now. Wouldn't that be funny.

I cast a look around the parking lot just in case I caught sight of his Mazda. The last thing I wanted was to have a confrontation with the guy. Not that I wouldn't enjoy it, but I suspected his sister wouldn't be so amenable.

Her friend spotted me first.

Then she elbowed her.

I watched her face turn my way, eyes widening as they locked in on me.

Her step faltered for a bit before she hurried to where I was standing. "What are you doing here?" She whisper-hissed.

My brows raised.

Out of all the ways I'd imagined this going, her not wanting me to show up hadn't even crossed my mind.

She kept right on going before I could answer her first question, which told me she probably wasn't looking for one. "You're scaring half the school away."

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