The visit 2

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Smut warning

Chloe and Lucifer groaned waking up to the clinging and banging of dishes and utensils downstairs. It was obvious that Penelope wanted to get a head start on making breakfast. They laid there in bed for about fifteen minutes before they got up to go downstairs.

Chloe got up and put on her shirt and went downstairs.
As Chloe reached it was Trixie and dan just pulled up in the driveway. "Perfect timing," she thought.

"Good morning honey" Penelope greeted Chloe as she walked over to get some coffee. " I hope I didn't wake you two, wanted to get started on breakfast"
"Yeah you did but it's ok" Chloe answered. They woke at the perfect time, if she hadn't Trixie would have walked in on her and Lucifer's butt naked.

Trixie ran in and launched herself at her mom and squeezed her. "Mommy"
"Hi baby did you have a good time with your dad," Chloe asked kissing her forehead.
"Yeah, went to the zoo and he got me a chocolate cake".

"Penelope," dan walked in holding Trixie bags in one hand and hugged her. How are you? He asked.
I'm good just thought I would visit for a couple of days. She said headed back to the kitchen.

"Well, it's good to see you," Dan said and left before Lucifer reached downstairs.

Lucifer came downstairs dressed. Since he and the detective never spoke about moving in together he would leave a couple of suits which she made space in her closet for him. He was practically there most of the week. He would be there to make them breakfast and dinner except for Saturday's where he would spend the time with Chloe while maze or the babysitter would watch Trixie.

"Good Morning Penelope"

He said while he stood behind Chloe kissed her on her neck and whispered.

"Good morning love, well don't you look beautiful as always "

Sweet little comments like those always made Chloe blush beyond her will. She felt safe around him. She enjoyed his light touches. She loved everything about him.

Chloe braced herself back into him and smiled.

"Lucifer" Trixie squealed and ran over to hug him.

He was getting used to the idea of urchin hugging him and enjoyed it. But somehow he would be surprised or he would hesitate to distract her from hugging him. He grew quite fond of Trixie.

"Urchin," he said in a surprised squirmish voice. She didn't let go. He looked at Chloe with "save me eyes".
Penelope holding back from laughing at him.

The whole scene was hilarious.

"Where are you off to?" Chloe asked him as Trixie went over to the couch.

"Lux darling, they wanted me to come in to sign some cheques and something I don't remember "
I'll meet you at the precinct in an hour" Lucifer said.

Chloe nodded and they kissed, it soft and slow.
He said "Love you" and left.

Penelope watched them with admiration. It reminded her of how she and Chloe's dad (John) loved each other. shes never really seen Chloe smiled
So much.

Chloe could feel her mother staring at her.
"Well, why don't you get ready for work, and Trix and I will have some fun today," Penelope said to Chloe.
"Your right I don't want to be late, oh. And make sure she does her homework before" please Chloe replied with desperation written on her face.  "She has a way to get people to bow to her will"  Chloe chuckled.

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