7. Maybe

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Johns P.O.V~


It  was night was dark, darker than pitch. John was running, and running, and running. He felt like he was suffocating. He collapsed to his knees and clasped and pulled at his neck. But nothing. Suddenly there was light, but not the light he hoped for. An overhead light flashed a blinding white in Johns face. He covered his eyes. It hurt. Sirens. Blue lights blared in the distance. He couldn't stop running. He had to move. No matter what.

"John Doe!"
He heard a voice call from above.
"Stay where you are, put your hands where we can see them! Get on your knees, lay down on the floor and deactivate your ability!"

But John couldn't stop.
His instincts took over.
When it was clear he couldn't win, its a natural reaction to run and hide.

The voice called.
But John didn't care. He kept running, and running and running. The authorities didn't have the metaphorical balls to shoot a child...
One shot
Two shots
Three shots
They shot him four times
In the thighs and ankles
John screamed and cried in agony.
They would later revive much backlash for this action.
But nonetheless, John was on the floor, crying like a newborn. There will never be and end to this pain, will there?
Why won't the authorities just kill me?
John thought
It would be better that way
John was bleeding out now. His wounds burnt like acid. How long does he have left?
He was crawling, then he managed to get to his knees.
The voice was still spouting commands nonstop, but it was a blurring together.
But then...figures appeared. He tried to call out, but his voice wouldn't work. 7 of them.
The first took the shape of Elaine, a person he'd come to care for, as it stepped forward. She was walking towards him. Yes! John thought. She's a healer, and she's coming to help him! He reached out, well tried to, but he was weak. He needed to rest.
He hoped to God she would help him.
But No such luck
She waked straight past him and into the gaping darkness behind him, as she past, she mouthed one word
Johns eyes went wide.
Why me?
The next figure came up. Remi
The Lightning Queen herself
John also cared a lot for her, since Sera liked her a lot. Maybe she would help him?
She too walked past him, looking down on him as if he were garbage and mouthed the word
He was confused
Why weren't they helping him?
What did he do to deserve this?
The next one stepped forth.
It was Sera
John was crying
He was on his knees
Seeing his best best friend look down on him with such disgust hurt him.
She too, mouthed the word
Everyone he cared for was leaving him.
Just as he expected.
Isen walked up to him.
John vision blurred in and out of focus.
Was he going to die?
Isen past him and mouthed
Tears danced at the edge of his eyelashes, threatening to spill onto his face.
Then came Blyke. Someone John had become close to. John was begging them to stay.
Blyke mouthed
John gave up on talking.
He was in too much pain to say anything.
The last two figures came forward.
That's when he broke
His father and Arlo
His father had fear in his eyes, like he was scared of John. His father never looked at him like that.
There was still hope in those eyes, a small glint, a sparkle in the darkness, but it faded
It faded away as fast as it came.
His father soon past him too
Arlo was the only one left.
His only hope
His light in the darkness
His tether to sanity
It was tearing
Slowly, but surely
His rope was tearing
Arlo extended his hand to John
Arlo still cares!
John thought
The person he loved the most still cared for him
John tried to reach out, he got close
But Arlo pulled back
John screamed
He screamed so loud he thought his lungs would burst
Tears flowed like a river
John cried.
Arlo walked towards him
John was on his knees
Arlo came closer, and closer
Maybe he was wrong, and Arlo was coming to help him.
Arlo crouched down in front him, And cupped Johns face in his hands
John thought he would've said something like everything's going to be alright.
Arlo was crying
John thought he would never see the day that Arlo cried.
But then, he said the worst thing possible, and the sad part was, John heard it loud and clear, straight to his face, no mouthing

Jarlo(John x Arlo): Changes Where stories live. Discover now