6.Awkward Silence

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👏What👏The👏Fuck?👏*removes nonexistent glasses, polishes them and puts them back on*

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*removes nonexistent glasses, polishes them and puts them back on*

Thank you all so much for 400 views😭✋
I never thought I'd get this far, so a huge thank you to those who have been here since the beginning. Writing has always been a passion of mine, but I never thought so many people would enjoy this ❤

All of your comments and support have really pushed me forward. So as a thank you present from me to you, here's a 2800+ word special, filled with crack headedness and good vybz. Anyways my little Kinnies, thank you for the journey so far, and I hope to see you all in future stories that I'll be posting very soon. Enjoy🌈
Elaine's P.O.V~

Elaine didn't like how close John and Arlo were acting. But then again, she was still confused about her own feelings. She thought she liked Arlo, but then some time ago she realized that she also liked Holden too. Emotions can be complicated. But she convinced herself(forcefully) that she liked Arlo, a she was going to have him. Don't get her wrong, she likes John after spending time with him, he was actually really cool. But she still didn't want him in the way. She convinced herself(again forcefully) that she was perfect for Arlo. She just has to wait for the best time to tell him how she feels.

Johns P.O.V~

John was having fun. For the first time in years, he had a genuine smile on his face. At on point, Blyke said something funny, and Isen burst out laughing, but this laughing, unfortunately for the two, scared Diablo awake, who quietly slumbering in the corner of the living room, blending with the shadows. The interaction went like this:

Diablo( the poor baby😢✊): *was scared awake* GrOwl SnArL RUff rUFf HisS bArK

Arlo: *screams like a Japanese school girl and jumps onto Johns lap clinging on for dear life and continues to scream like a banshee*

Isen & Blyke: *screaming and throws them self's onto John, Isen holding on to his left arm, Blyke to the right*

John: *for legal reasons, has now passed away*

Remi: * shaking while recording and holding onto Seraphina

Seraphina: *confused screaming, and holding onto Remi*

Elaine: *grabbed a random stick and yeeted herself onto the couch yelling "🏃Back🏃Back I say🏃Back Demon from Hell🏃BACK!🏃"*

John: Diablo!Sientaté!

Translation(so y'all don't have to go to google): Diablo! Sit!💃

Diablo: *sits and smiles*

Everyone: Shooketh

John: *giggles*Gracias mi amor
John: Ven aquí cariño*taps his foot and Diablo happily bounds over*

Translation: Thank you my love. Come here sweetie.✨

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