1. Answer Me

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Johns P.O.V~

John was cornered. Four shitty mid-tiers had him with his back to a wall, two girls and two boys. "What the hell are you glaring at, idiot?" said a guy with wavey purple hair, who shoved his shoulder, making him hit the wall behind him, and that ticked John off. He hated when people touched him, his germophobia wasn't very high today, so he didn't bother to wear his mask, but when the guy shoved him, that one touch kicked it into high gear, but he restrained himself from bitch slapping the guy straight in his face. This just irritated John to his core, he just didn't understand how these people would step on people lower than them, just because they didn't have much power. He hated it. "Don't touch me,"  he growled, in a low tone, and to people who knew him, this symbolizes that he was at his peek of rage, and anything more would cause him to snap, so you should probably leave him alone. But that wasn't the case here. "Hahahah,"dOn'T ToUcH mE," he says," sneered the purple haired guy, who was named Tanner. "That new haircut of yours must be messing your head! Don't forget who the strongest one here is.....I CALL THE SHOTS! AND I'LL DO WHATEVER THE HELL I WANT!" Tanner yelled as he was throwing a punch at his face, and John caught the punch and flipped him over and onto the floor. He was pissed. He just wanted have a calm walk around the school, was that to much to ask? " I SAID DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" He screamed in his ear as he snapped his arm at the elbow. Tanner cried out, " AUGH MY ARM!GET OFF OF ME!" The other mid-tiers stood there in utter shock and anger. But then a girl with pinkish brown hair in a bob with blue eyes, whose name is Illena, spoke up. "You stupid cripple," she said with distaste. Her other friend Wenqi, who had long blonde hair and yellow eyes said after her, "Hey! Let go of him!" John didn't reply. Then, to two girls charged towards him all hyped up on "How dare you hurt my friend juice," and the other guy with mint green hair and yellow eyes, whose name was Rouker, stood there activating his ability and aiming his missiles at John. Little did they all know that a familiar blonde was watching from the shadows, waiting for a chance to come, so he could jump in. And at this moment, John touched something deep inside himself, something that he swore he would never go back too. But at that second, it seemed necessary. He closed his eyes and when opened them, for a few brief seconds, his usually lifeless, faded gold eyes, glowed bright orange, and he radiated power and fury....but when he looked at the scene in front him once again, he stopped. They were rushing towards him, full speed. He inhaled deeply and exhaled. He deactivated his ability and prepared himself for the beating he might receive.

Arlos P.O.V~

Arlo looked on in disbelief, 'So he really have an ability,'  he thought to himself, so why won't he use it? He didn't know, but one thing was for sure, John was about to get the shit beat out of him and he wasn't going to do anything about it. But nonetheless, Arlo decided to wait it out a bit, and if things went too far, he would step in, and after all, he didn't like seeing a fellow god-tier getting beat into the floor by some lowlife mid-tiers who think their the shit. No, that idea did not sit well with him.

Johns P.O.V~

Illena charged at him with a powerful punch in which he blocked, but couldn't hold for very long, so he punched her in the gut and kept pushing, looking for a way out. He narrowly dodged two missiles from Rouker, and he looked up and realized that he was the only one blocking his exit. But before he could finish his thought, Wenqi sped behind him and struck him hard behind his neck and whispered, "Watch your back," as he fell to the floor. Before he landed, Tanner knocked him aside with a punch whist yelling," SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKER!" John skidded backwards in a daze, and noticed that Tanners arm had healed. Then out of nowhere Illena rushed to his right side and said," THIS IS PAYBACK FOR HITTING ME EARLIER ASSHOLE!" And she slammed her two fisted downward onto Johns back, making him spit out blood he fell to the floor. Johns vision faded in and out of focus and he couldn't hear much either. ' Man,' he thought as he was slowly slipping into unconsciousness,' Another trip to docs huh...he's gonna be so pissed.' But then he heard a faint voice, and the smell of vanilla drifted through the air briefly. He then felt himself being lifted of the ground and was leant onto someone's chest. Whoever it was, John thought they smelt really good. He closed his eyes and drifted off....

•Time skip brought to you by the author being lazy asf✨•

In the infirmary~

No ones P.O.V~

Arlo sat quietly in a chair next to Johns bed reading the schools news paper. The evening was rather quiet, it was very odd though since this is Wellston Private High School, and there was a new fight everyday, it was none stop. Arlo looked to the left of him to see John stirring in his sleep. Arlo thought John looked quite cute when he was asleep, and he would love to wake up to that face everyday for the rest of his life...' What am I thinking?' He scolded himself, ' He would never like you back anyways, and even if he did, my reputation would be ruined and when Serphina gets back, she'll assume I did brainwashing shit and try to beat me up.' He sighed deeply and put down the newspaper. He noticed that John was now mumbling incoherent words and tossing and turning. Arlo thought nothing of it, but soon he started clasping and his neck and shifting his collar and tie, like he was trying to get more breathing room. This concerned Arlo and shifted his chair so he faced John head on and gently took and hand and held it between both of his. That seemed to calm John down, but moments later, his eyes snapped open and he shot up and he threw a punch at the closes thing to him, which, unfortunately, was Arlo. It hit him square in the cheek, making him knock his head against the wall slightly." Well aren't you a fistey one," Arlo grumbled, rubbing his face and pushing Johns hand down. "Holy shit!" John gasped as he jumped out the covers."Are you okay? I'm really sorry, i didn't see you there," he sighed rubbing the back of his head biting his lip slightly. Arlo felt his face heat up a little. Unfortunately for Arlo, John notice this and got concerned. He rose into a sitting position and leaned close to Arlo and cupped his face in his hands. "You okay?" He asked."Your face is really, really red." There faces were close enough for them to kiss, and Johns eyes where mesmerizing, they looked like melted gold that had faded over time, but still beautiful.

Arlos P.O.V~

DGJYGJJYJDJHMVUHKRWAEFHYJXNHFFKGK HE'S SO ADORABLE I CANT BREATH I NEED OXYGEN AND CARBON DIOXIDE TO LIVE. Arlo was having a gay panic on the inside, whether it showed or not, Arlo had feelings for John, but he did his best to keep his composer. "Uh, yeah it's fine," he managed to say without stuttering. "No it's not," John insisted. "I just sucker punched your pretty face," he pouted, which weighted down on Arlos heart even more. He just wanted to hold onto this boy and never let go. He stood up, with Johns hands still firmly attached to his face as he held them there as he took a step to reach in front of John, whose face was also red. "No seriously, I'm fine," he said, as gently removed Johns hands, but still held them together with his. "Look, um, back there when you and those mid-tiers were fighting, I saved you and-" he started but then John said,"Oh that was you? Well you smell, like really good Blondie" Arlo blushed furiously, and raised an eyebrow." Blondie?Really, that's the best thing you could come up with?" John smirked and said sarcastically,"Well how does Asslo sound to you?" Arlo rolled his eyes in annoyance, but continued." I saw something that I want to ask you about..." Johns face darkened slightly, and his grip tightened on Arlos hands, but he nudged him to continue. Arlo lowered his tone in case anyone was listening." Your eyes were glowing John. Please be honest okay?I promise I won't tell anyone but please just answer me this....." His voice was now a whisper.......

"You have an ability, don't you?"
Annnddd that's a wrap kids😆Anyways hope you enjoy this long-ass chapter I made for y'all🌻Its literally 1585 words plus the AN☺I stayed up till 4:36 in the morning doing this and I got school in a few hours so yeah💀

All the best my munchkins✨❤


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