5.What are you doing?

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TW: This update contains:

•Angst and slightly suicidal John
•A very protective and loving Arlo
•And a whole lotta Fluff (。・ω・。)

Enjoy ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

Johns P.O.V~

He and Arlo entered the house and took off their shoes at the door. They were both met with a happy Diablo, who sprinted down the hallway to meet them at the door. Arlo, who was still scared of Diablo, wrapped himself around John for protection. John hoped Arlo couldn't feel how fast his heart was beating. "He's not gonna kill you Arlo," John giggled. "Oh I know, but i still don't trust him." Arlo complained in his ear. "I mean look at those teeth." John laughed. "Come on you gotta help me cook and clean," John said while Arlo was rummaging through his bag. "So go change, the bathroom is upstairs first door to the right." "Yes sir," Arlo hummed as he took the bag with him, walked down the hallway, went up the stairs and disappeared. John sighed. Why was did he have to fall in love with the king? Of all people, the least likely to want him back. John went into his room and took of his clothes and changed into a loose black shirt and some grey sweats and headed back downstairs. Arlo seemed to still be in the bathroom. John stood at the kitchen island, eyeing the knife holder. He looked down at his right hand. His previous cuts on his hand healed, so what could possibly go wrong now? He was sure he'd hear if Arlo was coming downstairs and It'd be fine. He just do 3 or 4 on his arm and no problem. He grabbed the sharpest knife and pressed it on the inside of his hand and began to cut. 1,2,. He may have done the second one too deep, but he kept going. 3,4. Blood was gushing, dripping down his arm and onto the floor. It was starting to burn. He hissed in pain, but it felt so good. This was at 5:10. John wasn't paying attention, and Arlo had walked down calling his name but John didn't answer.

"John w-hat are you doing?"
John turned around slowly, he began to cry, Arlo wasn't suppose to see him like this, at his lowest. No one ever saw him like this. He fell to his knees and buried his head in his hands. Arlo rushed over to him and sat down next to John and held him close. "Why John, why?" He asked, on the verge of tears. Why would he do this to himself? "You-you wouldn't u-understand," he sobbed into Arlos chest. "Then help me understand..."

Arlos P.O.V~

When Arlo got into the bathroom, he closed the door behind him and proceeded to have a bisexual panic attack. Once he calmed down, he changed his clothes, which was a white shirt and grey sweats. He was going to check how he looked in the mirror, but there was none. The mirror was there, yes, but it was covered with a thin cloth. Arlo knew it was none of his business, but when it came to John, it was his business. So he lifted the cloth. What the fuck? The mirror was cracked badly, like someone had punched it so hard it cracked. Another thing that Arlo accidentally found in the bathroom was cigarettes. This worries him a lot. So he just put the cloth back down down, picked his bag up ad headed back downstairs. He was calling for John, but no answer. He put his bag on the couch and headed to the kitchen. Oh my god. John was standing at the kitchen island with a sharp knife pressed against the inside of his forearm and made a fourth cut on his wrist that bleed profusely. Blood ran down his arm and splattered all over the floors and stained his shirt.

"John w-hat are you doing?"

He rushed over as John fell to his knees and buried his head in his hands and held him close, as he too was on the verge of tears. Why would he do this to himself? "Why John, why?" He whispered in his ear, cradling him in his arms. "You-you wouldn't u-understand," he sobbed into Arlos chest. "Then help me understand..." He then lifted John up off the floor and sat him of the kitchen counter, his head was still buried deep into Arlos chest. Arlo wrapped hands around Johns small waist.

Jarlo(John x Arlo): Changes Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora