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I followed silently behind Nurse Beckett as she led me behind the front desk and deeper into the heart of the pediatric unit. Turning a corner, a pair of automatic sliding glass doors slid open, revealing my sister, Emery, leaning against the Nurse's desk–speaking to another nurse.

"Good luck," Nurse Beckett stated before returning through the automatic doors. Taking a breath, I started toward the brightly colored desk in the center of the room–earning my sister's attention. Pushing off the desk, she made her way over to me.

"Avery," She breathed, a smile taking over her features. Even though her scrub were a bright and exciting neon pink covered in illustrations of teddy bears, her face gave away just how exhausted she is.

"Em," I replied as we embraced each other. When she pulled away, I could spot the bags starting to form under her hazel-green eyes. "How long have you been here? When's the last time you slept?"

"Yesterday," She states with a nod before silently adding, "Afternoon."

I leveled a disbelieving look at my older sister. "Emery, you need to sleep."

"I will," She countered. "I will just as soon as these kids are helped."

I couldn't help the disapproving frown. "Your shift is technically over, Em."

"They came in last night, Avery, at three thirty in the morning. Alone. I have to make sure they are at least seen." She insists.

I let out a breath, not seeing how I can win this argument. "Fine, but after I check them out, you're going home."

"Deal," Emery replied with a nod of her head.

"What have you got?"

"Carden and Esme Doe. They refused to give us a last name, but told us they are related. By the looks of it, Esme's six or seven years of age and Carden looks to be somewhere between eleven and thirteen. Although we couldn't run any tests, they both look to be dehydrated and malnourished." Emery explains in one breath. "They've also refused to talk to anyone but you."

"Yeah, I got that part," I mutter, studying the kids through the sliding glass door.

Both siblings are sitting silently on the gurney. They're eyes wander around the room as if taking in their surroundings. The boy, Carden, sits at the head of the bed, his back flush with the wall–his arms securely wrapped around his sister as he hugs her to his side. The girl, Esme, has tear streaks running down her face as she rests her head against her brother's chest.

I gently knock on the glass door as I slowly slide it open. Both siblings' attention snap toward me.

"We want Dr. Avery Conway," Carden states, holding my gaze. "We will only speak with Dr. Avery Conway."

"I am her," I state. Carden's eyes flickers to my name tag. "I just got married. It's Dr. Avery Foster now. May I come in?"

Carden looks me up and down, clenching his jaw before giving his head a small nod. As the door slides to a close behind me, I pull the curtain for more privacy before pulling up a chair in front of the gurney. Both siblings eye me warily, uncertainty swimming in their charcoal grey eyes.

"What bring you two to the hospital today?" I question.

"My sister is hurt," Carden states. At this, Esme looks up to her brother as if asking permission. Carden releases his hold on his sister, giving her a small nod. At this, Esme sits up with a small whimper and lifts the left side of her shirt. A deep gnash is in her side, staring in the center of her side and stopping just above her hip. "Can you help her?"

I lean forward, reaching to get a better look. Before I could touch her, Esme shifts away from me.

"It looks like it could be infected and it's going to need stitches to heal properly." I inform them. At the mention of stitches, Esme's eyes widen in fear. "It won't hurt. I promise. But before I can do that, we need more information on you two. Like where your parents are and if they know you're here."

At this, Carson swallowed hard and looked down at his sister. "Our parents are dead and as for our guardian, he's on his way."

"Well, good," I state. "Carden, if you could follow me out to the desk, I have a few questions to ask you."

With that, I stand from my seat and make my way toward the door. Opening the curtain, I pull open the sliding glass door and move aside, allowing Carden to exit first. His eyes scan the room as if looking for a threat.

"That's a pretty nasty cut you sister has," I say coming to a stop at the desk. I turn to Carden. "I must ask, Carden. Are you two in an...unsafe situation at home?"


"If you are, I am legally required to call–"

"No," He states sharply. "We're fine."

"How'd your sister get the cut in her side, Carden?" I pressed.

Carden closed his eyes and shook his head, his brown curls fell into his eyes as he swallowed hard. "We are fine. I promise."

I nodded my head as he stuck a hand out, falling into a lean against desk. Noticing the slight sheen on his forehead, I took a step toward him. "Carden?"

"Just help Es–" He started, but before he could finish his sentence his eyes rolled to back of his head and body went limp. His hand slipped from his lean against the desk, sending his body heading straight for the ground. I lunged for him, wrapping my arms around his small frame before he could hit the ground. I grit my teeth as my knees collided with the floor.

"I need a gurney over here!" I shouted. Within seconds, a gurney appeared next to me and with the help of another nurse, we lifted the young boy and placed him gently on the gurney. "Wheel him into an empty room. I'll be in shortly."

As I watched an unconscious Carden be wheeled away, a nurse spoke up form behind. "What do you want to do, Dr. Foster?"

"Admit them and draw up an official chart," I breathed, not taking my eyes off of Carden's gurney. "These two are officially my patients."



Finally got this chapter out!

Finally got this chapter out!

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