1.9 - Kiss And Tell

Start from the beginning

I tilt my head so he has a better view of my neck and I gently close my eyes as he brands me.

"We should go upstairs." He mumbles between kisses and I nod.

I pull away and grab his hand, pulling him upstairs to my bedroom like I've done many times before. This time is different though. This time we're different.

He pushes me onto the bed, kissing me softly as we shift around on the bed.

My legs straddle his waist as his sit between mine, his elbows propping him up beside my head.

"Are you okay with this?" He whispers and I nod, trying not to break the kiss. "I need verbal consent Margo. I won't go any farther otherwise."

"Yes." I pant softly, eagerly kissing him again.

His kisses aren't filled with eagerness or speed though. They're slow and soft, as is he doesn't want to rush things between us.

His tongue gently presses against my lips and I take this as my cue to slightly open them.

"Okay, but please tell me if you're not okay with anything." He whispers and I nod, nerves building up even more inside me.

He runs his hands under my shirt and I feel him run his hands over the places that I know are covered with stretch marks and scars.

"Calum, I've never done anything like this." I pull away from him and he does the same.

"I'll make sure you're comfortable, okay?" He reassures me and I nod.

"What if you don't like what you see?" I ask, my voice getting quieter.

"I already like what I see baby."

"No, I mean under the clothing." I feel my insecurities build up. "You've done this before, but I haven't."

"I haven't done this with you." He tilts my chin up so I'm looking at him and his brown eyes reel me in all over again.

"Please don't judge me." I beg and he nods, although I already know he would never do that.

I pull my shirt over my head and toss it off the bed, nervously covering my stomach.

I'm a bigger girl, there's no doubt about that, but he makes me feel as though I'm skinny.

He pulls my arms away from my stomach and begins kissing my neck again, slowly trailing kisses down my body. As soon as he reaches me stretch marks and scars though, he begins kissing them one at a time, causing a fire to erupt in my lower abdomen and melting all of my organs.

I grip the sheets and let out a shaky breath, trying not to move much.

"Are you okay?" He asks softly, bringing his face back up to mine and I nod. "Words, darling."

"Y- yes." I whisper, my eyes sealed shut. He begins to unbutton my pants slowly, before pulling them off of each of my legs.

"Is this okay?"

"Yeah, it's perfect." I whisper and I open my eyes to see him smiling. He slowly trails his lips up my body, starting at my inner thigh and moving up to my neck. His lips finally meet mine again and I kiss him back, harder than I expected to.

He pulls his shirt over his head and tosses it off the bed like I previously did with mine. "I'm not doing anything serious with you tonight." He whispers between kisses. "You're drunk, and I'd rather you remember your first time."

"I will, I promise I will." I whisper into his mouth, not wanting any of this to end.

I like the way he makes me feel. The way he makes me act.

"No baby, we can do something like that some other time. Tonight I just want to explore your body in ways I never have before." He responds and I feel my insides melt into another puddle.



"Margo? Margo, wake up!" Noelle chimes through the house and I groan, rolling over to feel Calum's body next to mine. His arm is slung around my waist as his legs are tangled into mine.

If you were to look at us, it would be hard to find where my body ends and his begins.

I try to pulls away from him and climb out of bed, but he tightens his grip on me and buries his face into my neck.

"Margo get up!" Noelle yells, swinging my door open. "Oh my go-"

She closes the door, smacking her hand over her eyes as the leave the room.

"Calum," I whisper softly, attempting to get his attention. "We have to get up."

"Mmm." He groans into my back and I sigh, about to give up.

I like lying here with him like this, but I like staying out of trouble even more. If I'm late to anything, Jeff will have wanted posters displayed everywhere as if I'm a runaway delinquent.

"Calum." I whisper again, a bit louder this time and he pulls his head back, letting out a yawn.

"Yeah?" He responds, rubbing his eyes.

"We have to get up." I inform him and he lets out a loud groan.

"But you're comfortable, I like this." He nuzzles his face deeper into my neck and I smile softly, trying not to let him see it.

"I do too, but Noelle wants me to get up."

With that, he lets me out of his grasp and I climb out of bed.

We didn't do anything except have a hardcore make out session last night. I look around the room for my pants and finally find them at the end of the bed.

I stumble around, trying to put them on as Calum watches me. I eventually give up and choose to just pull and oversized t-shirt over my head.

His gaze follows me around the room and I feel like a deer caught in headlights when my eyes meet his.

"Don't get nervous now, you're acting like last night didn't happen." He smirks and I throw the pants at him, which he ends up catching.

"Ass hole." I mumble and he lets out a laugh. "Aren't you supposed to be with the guys bragging to them about last night or something," I tease and he shakes his head, sitting up.

He stands up from the bed and walks over to me, pressing himself against my back.

"I'd much rather be here, with you." He whispers into my neck, kissing it the same way he did last night.

My heart begins pounding harder than it was last night and I turn to face him. "You better leave before Noelle hears us."

He lets out a chuckle, shaking his heads before leaning down. His lips are right beside my ear when he whispers something I'd never expect someone say out loud to me. "Darling, I'll have the entire neighbourhood knowing my name before noon if I don't leave right now."

My eyes widen in shock as he snakes his hand around my waist. I bite back my nerves and lean forward, planting a few kisses onto his neck and collar bone.

He lets out a soft moan in my ear, grabbing my throat the same way he did last night.

"Don't do that darling, I won't be able to stop myself." He leans towards my ear again and I feel my stomach doing flips. "And we both know that won't end well for you since you have a job that requires you to have the ability to walk."

I gulp, his hand still wrapped around my neck. He looks down at me, and just as I feel he's about to kiss me like I want him to, he lets go of me and walks back over to the bed.

He grabs his shirt and pants, swiftly putting them on before opening the bedroom door.

When I assume he's about to walk out, he turns around and licks his lips looking at me as if it's the last time he'll ever see me like this.

His eyes trail up my body, looking at my neck as a smirk hints at his lips.

"You better cover those up, we don't want Jeff seeing them."

And with that, he leaves.

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