1.4 - Back To You

Start from the beginning

"They're about someone I had a crush on back home." I answer quickly and Jeff finally steps in, whispering something to the interviewer.

"Well it looks like we have to cut this interview short, but it was nice to have you back Margo. Everyone, this next song is Margo's new single, Back To December."

We say our goodbyes and I finally stand up to leave, not bothering to even look at anyone on my way to the car.


"I'm going next door. Call me if you need me." I climb out of the car and Abe silently nods.

I approach the guys' door, nerves building up inside me. My lips begin to tingle as I think about how I almost kissed Calum last night. I reach up to knock on the door when it swings open, my fist in mid air.

"Hey, I don't think we were expecting you. Mikey and I were just going to go out to the store. Did you need something?" Luke asks and I automatically feel dumb.

"Sorry, I just wanted to come over after my interview. I can leave if you-" I begin to walk off the porch when Mikey speaks up, trying to stop me.

"Calum is inside! You can hangout with him until Ashton wakes up." He smiles and I nod softly, a smile appearing on my face.

"Only if it's okay with you guys."

"We don't mind, and I doubt Calum will mind. We promise it's fine." Mikey smiles and I sigh.

"Okay, then I'll just go inside." I smile softly, sliding into the house.

They leave, closing the front door, leaving me surrounded by silence.

Their house is surprisingly clean after everything that happened last night and it makes me smile.

I look around for Calum but don't find him anywhere downstairs, so I decide to make my way up the stairs.

Each of their rooms have name-tags outside the doors, which I find a bit weird, so I look for Calum's.

I finally find it at the end of the hallway, soft music coming from inside the room.

I softly knock, trying not to startle him, and I hear the music turn off.

"Coming!" He calls out and I hear him shuffling around, footsteps approaching the door. He swings it open, looking past the top of my head, his eyes finally looking down at me. "Hey, this is a surprise."

His hair is a mess and his eyes are puffy as if he just woke up and he just overall looks like he could give me the best hug.

"Yeah, I just finished an interview and I decided to come over. I offered for me to leave, but Luke and Mikey insisted that I come hangout with you. I hope that's alright." I explain the situation at hand and he reaches his hand up to scratch the back of his head.

"Yeah, of course! Here, come in." He moves to the side so I can enter his room so I do exactly that. "Sorry it's a bit messy, I wasn't expecting company."

I scan the room as he closes the door behind me, being engulfed in his scent. The room is actually cleaner than I would expect from a teenage boy.

"This is from back in Australia, isn't it?" I gesture towards a jersey in a shadow box hanging on the wall and he nods.

"Yeah, I know it's dumb, but I-"

"No, it's not dumb. I think it's cute." I shake my head, looking at him as a small smile appears on his face. "Can I sit?"

"Yeah, of course! Do you need anything? Water? Food? A blanket?" He quickly responds and I smile softly, setting my phone face-down beside his on the table before sitting on the bed.

Shot In The Dark [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now