~~Uncomfortable Truths~~

Start from the beginning

Daughters by John Mayer began playing as Lucifer swayed with his daughter. 

"Are you having fun today?" Lucifer asked her.

"Yes." Iris answered, her smile as bright and dopey as it always seemed to be, and yet, so very much the detective's.

"You and I have never danced before, have we?" Lucifer pondered.

"I wike dancing." Iris said. 

Lucifer chuckled, "Me too."

Comforted by the music and the security of her father's arms, Iris placed her head on Lucifer's shoulder, burying her face in the crook of his neck.

Giving a few low hums with his adoring smile, Lucifer moved the hand that had been holding Iris's hand onto her back to support her. 

Caught up in the moment and emotion of the day, Lucifer quietly said, "I love you."

"I wove you, Daddy." Iris replied.

A huge weight Lucifer hadn't realized was there felt as if it had been lifted off his shoulders. He hadn't realized until now how important it was to him that his daughter knew without a doubt that he loves her. He's always feared losing her to his siblings, not being good enough for her, or hurting her in one way or another, but Lucifer realized now that all of those anxieties were leading to one place: Lucifer doesn't want Iris to feel the same way he had growing up, like she was unloved or unwanted. 

That is how he found himself telling her the one thing he had always wished he heard from his own father, something he had only told one other soul in a bit of a misunderstanding. 

"I am so proud of you, Iris."

Iris snuggled closer into Lucifer's chest. He lightly kissed her shoulder (the only part of her he could reach with her laying on him) As Iris wrapped her arms around him, almost as if giving him a hug, and she, in turn, kissed his cheek.

He doesn't quite know what he's so proud of, but he never lies, so his admission was the truth, there was no doubt about that. He's just immensely proud of her for just being her.

Two minutes later, the song ended, and Lucifer put Iris down to go run off and play with other children.

He felt some one tap his shoulder, so Lucifer turned around. Trixie was standing behind him with a smirk on her face, asking, "Mind if I cut in?"


Ella sat in her favorite chair in her living room, a very large and fluffy bean bag chair that honestly took up half of the small room and threatened to swallow the small forensic scientist whole. She had her legs pulled up to her chest and her arms wrapped tightly around them. Before sitting down and demanding answers out of the others in her living room, she had gone to her room to take off her dress and makeup and get into a pair of comfortable leggings with emojis on them and a large t-shirt. 

Chloe, Lucifer, and Azrael all sat together on the couch across from the bean bag chair, quite cramped actually, thanks to Lucifer's greater size compared to the two women.

Adventures in Urchin Rearing: an Iris One-Shot CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now