Goal 16.8 - Exports of Major Weapons

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Volume of major conventional weapons exported, expressed in constant 1990 US$ millions per 100,000 population. It is calculated based on the trend-indicator value, which is based on the known unit production cost of a core set of weapons, and does not reflect the financial value of the exports. Small arms, light weapons, ammunition and other support material are not included. (quoted from https://dashboards.sdgindex.org/map/indicators/sdg16_weaponsexp). Nuclear bombs expectally have a high weight on this. The Sustainable Development Goal says it needs to be less then 1 million per 100K people. Long term objective target is something close to 0.

Help out by encouraging peace and educating people on the dangers of major weapons and the cost they had on History. I will maybe write some resources for this in the future.

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