The Ultimate Show (Prologue)

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Mario, Bowser, and Peach stood gasping for breath as the humongous Super Dimentio towered over them. All of their attacks have been deflecting off of it, they might as well have been throwing cotton balls at him. Super Dimentio bellowed an evil laugh, causing the already collapsing castle to tremble.

"Let's stop wasting time and finish this, shall we?" Super Dimentio taunted, "Ciao!"

A bright light flashed and O'Chunks, Mimi, Nastasia, Blumiere, and Timpani appeared. Blumiere and Timpani were hand in hand, the Pure Hearts forming once again.

"What?! What's going on?! NO! The Pure Hearts?! I thought you wasted them all fighting Count Bleck! What's... happening?! I'm not invincible anymore..."

The Pure Hearts disappeared and Super Dimentio was no longer invincible.

"Mario! Now's your chance!" Timpani called to him.

Mario nodded and hopped ontop of Super Dimentio, slamming his feet into its head. Mario got thrown off as it let out a screech. Super Dimentio then exploded, sparks rained down as the being separated. Luigi and the Chaos Heart came out, but Dimentio was nowhere to be seen.

"Mario!" Luigi shouted.

He ran to his brother and embraced him in a hug. Before their eyes, the Chaos Heart seemed to disintegrate in a puff of smoke.

"Is it, gone?" Peach asked.

"Unfortunately, no. It has merely been prevented from destroying everything. But do not worry, it has been sent away and cannot harm anyone anymore." Blumiere reassured.

~~~~ Many, MANY, Years Later ~~~~

Blumiere could be seen walking through the overgrowth of the dark place known as The Underwhere, the world of ended games. He trudged along a path until he came across The River of Twigz. Without much hesitation, he dove in, swimming downward until he reached the bottom. The cold hard floor mimicked that of a basement. Blumiere lifted up his staff, it gave off a small light, illuminating the room he was in. There appeared to be nothing there at first, but Blumiere knew better. He chanted a spell and a black heart appeared, it was chained to the floor.

"The Chaos Heart," Blumiere murmured to himself.

He bashed the chains apart with his staff. The Chaos Heart, now unbound, floated slightly above the ground. Blumiere placed his hand on its glass-like surface. All at once, the Heart seemed to absorb into him against his will. He cried out in pain until the Heart was out of sight. Blumiere slowly opened his eyes, his expression blank. His eyes glowed a dark red. With a swish of his cape, he teleported out of The Underwhere.

------------------------Insert Pokémon Theme Transition------------------------

----------Da-da da, Da-da da, Da-da da, Daaaa Daa, Da-da da, Da-da da, DAAAAAA!!!---------

------------------Da da da duh, Duh da duh------------------

Dimentio And The Clash of Dimensions (DimentioXMr.L) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now