Chapter 26

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Chapter 26: A Punch In The Face

If you had asked Percy Jackson what was he going to do for Halloween at the beginning of his Fourth year, he'd have told you the normal answer: He was going to the Halloween Feast.

However, as he soon remembered, his life was everything but normal.

This time, though, it wasn't his fault... Not totally, at least.

It just happened that he was friends with two read head idiots and a support character (Yes, we love our dearest Lee, but he is the protagonist to only his own story).

Now, what did the twins do? What kind of act had they done, and how come Percy wasn't in the Halloween Feast, as usual?

Well, as it often happened with them, they were almost caught doing a certain prank to a certain blond brat with daddy issues.

Fortunately, they weren't discovered in the deed. Unfortunately, the... 'being' that helped them wanted something in return.

And, of course, the redheads involved their friends. If one was going to fall, the others must follow suit.

Thus, resulting in the incredibly boring attendance of the "Deathday Party"; an event where a bunch of ghosts celebrated their passing.

And the worst thing of it?

There was no food!

Now, knowing this horrendous circumstances, why would our dear Percy agree to stay?

"The power of friendship!" Some fools would answer.

"Destiny!" The dreamers would shout.

"Plot convenience!" The Ravenclaws would state.

However, a far more important reason made Percy stay: He owed it to the twins, as the prank had been his request in the first place...

Though, maybe, that wasn't worth it. He was honestly starting to regret that decision. He could always pay them later.

"I'm boooooooored" cried Feorge.

"And hungryyyyyy" followed his twin brother.

"Percy! Lee! Why did we have to come hereeeee!" Said the two of them, at the same time.

Yes. Percy was regretting that decision.

He knew he shouldn't have talked to them when they first met at the Hogwarts train. Because look at him now, one of the only four humans in a party full of ghosts... And without food!

"Hey! It's YOUR fault we're all in this situation! In fact, you dragged us here!" Said Lee, the support hero of our story.

"Well... We're friends, right?" Gred answered, and then ignored the immidiate 'no' that Percy replied.

"So... If we have to go through this, then you must be with us!" Said Feorge.

"Because that's what friendship is!" They said together, with exaggerated smiles on their faces.

"I swear that when I die, if I see you greet me like that, I'll know right away that I landed in hell" deadpanned Lee.

"Why was it that you had to come here? We're missing a feast right now!" Said Percy, who only thought about food, as usual.

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