"Katrina," he whispers, his voice ragged, and presses another kiss on my Claiming spot.

"We'll..." Another kiss. I keep my teeth clenched together so I don't make a sound.

"Finish..." His lips press down on the spot again, and my heart beats even faster.

"This..." I feel his canines touching my neck. One small movement, and they'd break skin. A noise of pleasure comes from the back of my throat.

"Later." He finishes, and it takes me a moment to put together the words he was saying while he was kissing me.

And then I feel him disappear.

I gasp for air, grabbing my throat, kicking at the air above me where he used to be.

"Fuck you, Killian!" I yell angrily, even though I know he's long gone. Probably already with the circulus on the edge of the territory.

I wanted to be mad at him for playing me, but the truth is, he was playing my own game, he was just better at it.

I hate him.

I can still feel where his canines rested on my neck.

My blood boils.

My face is warm.

Swearing, I throw open the door, racing out of the Pack House as fast as I can when I'm as weak as I am.

I push thoughts of Killian out of my head, needing to focus on my Sight so I can figure out what object it is that I need to find.

I let my Sight guide me, and I'm sure if anyone saw me, I would look absolutely insane, taking random turns, stepping backwards while I try figuring out where it is.

I know I'm deep in the woods. Possibly not even on Killian's territory anymore.

But the object is close. I can feel it, my Sight drawing me towards it.

Suddenly, a hand is clamped over my mouth, and I'm pulled backwards into someone's arms.

"See how easy it would be to kill you?" he hisses. "I want to."

I struggle, but his arms are tight around me, and I try talking, but his hand muffles the sound.

I feel his canines on my throat once more. "See how easily I could tear out your throat?" he snarls.

After another moment of torturing me just to piss me off, or probably because he's pissed, he removes his hand from my mouth.

"I hate you," I tell Killian.

"I hate you so much more, darling."

"You're such an asshole."

"A shame that you're going back to the house. Perhaps I should take a page out of Cain's handbook and throw you in a prison cell," he says, but I can hear the amusement in his voice.

"It's worth noting that Ares always escapes," I reply, suppressing a smile.

"Katrina, what the hell are you doing out here? You're a mile away from the boundary line," he tells me, and I can hear his anger, feel it in how roughly he's grabbing me.

"Killian, you have to let me find it," I insist. "There's something out here connected to the missing wolves. I Know it'll tell me where they are."

I hear his teeth grind together. "Fine. But you spill a drop of blood and I'm tying you to my bed."

"Kinky," I muse, and he growls in warning.

I continue to stumble around the woods, following my Sight but not seeing anything, and Killian grabs one of my arms roughly, steadying me when I trip.

"There," I breathe, and point at something. "What is that?"

He pauses. "A tree, idiot."

"What's on the tree, moron?" I roll my useless eyes.

He pulls me a little closer to it, and he's quiet for a moment. "Blood," he answers, stunned. "It's human. Probably a hunter."

I touch reach my hand out, touching it, and it almost burns me.

I slip into a vision.


"How much time has gone by?" I say as soon as I'm conscious, and Killian exhales in relief.

"A week," he answers quietly.

A week.

Only a few of those left.

"Katrina, I-" Killian starts to say, his voice plagued with worry.

I interrupt him, knowing there's not much time. For the wolves and for me.

"I know where they are."

completed book on my patreon

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