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Here's the song that inspired this whole story. If you were wondering about the name of this book, this song came off of an album that was named after the town of Tullahoma. This was a half-formed idea until now and I'm really glad you're reading it!

Also, no hate to Gabbie irl. She seems really sweet but you know, there's got to be drama somewhere in here.

(also switching to Jack's pov)


Jack was a little irritated. Gabbie had practically invited herself to this visit, and now she was already bitching about the place. He didn't want her to be here but had to remind himself that it was best for Lavender, or at least for his relationship with Lavender.

Right now, Gabbie had decided to ride with him and the car was so silent that you could hear a pin drop. Then... she had to break it.

"How long are we going to be here, Jack?" She whined. He knew she was probably desperate to get back to the city and drink some Prosecco and gossip like a housewife, and she couldn't do that here.

"Probably in like a week, but ya know how it goes, maybe I'll stay awhile. I can record from here. It's peaceful." He replied vaguely, figuring it might satisfy her. It didn't, all he got was a huff in response. The rest of the ride was silent again and Jack figures it was best that way, there were fewer ways to have a fight.

They pulled into the parking lot of the reservoir and again, Gabbie spoke up, "What the hell is a reservoir?" She demanded. Jack sighed, this was worse than the Kensington Palace thing, Kensington not Kingsington.

"It's a man-made lake Gabbie." He told her patiently. She snorted and stormed off. He didn't really know where she was going and frankly, he didn't care. He found a spot near the lake that had a fire pit and started working on the fire.

A few minutes into his so far fruitless attempts, a Chevy Malibu pulled up. He wasn't sure who it was but was happy when a familiar rosy-cheeked boy got out of the car. "Hey, Zach!" He called, causing the other boy to look up and make his way over. Jack would be lying if he said he was disappointed in Zach's look of half annoyance and half fear. Although he knew that he was probably to blame, he had sort of lied to Zach when he left.

"Hey." Zach said, his hands in the back pockets of his jeans. A telltale sign that he was nervous, so Jack decided to try and be a lot more friendly.

"Well hi, um I'm glad ya came." He said, knowing that he wasn't good with the small talk. A few moments of awkward silence later, another car showed up. It was a black Tesla, and Jack was glad because that would mean it's Jonah's car.

His theory was confirmed when the tall brunette got out of his car. Jack smiled, he was glad to see a person who didn't hate him or who he himself couldn't stand. Jonah made his way over and pulled him into one of those 'bro' hugs,

"When'd you get here?" He asked. Jonah hadn't been sure he could make it due to obligations in L.A. but he'd gotten here apparently.

"An hour ago. Besides, I probably won't stay long. There's some work in Nashville." He replied with a shrug. Jonah had gotten into modeling and was mostly based in Los Angeles but often traveled around. Jack just nodded in response. Next came Corbyn and Daniel. Jack had to admit he was surprised to see them together. Corbyn had never expressed any interest in well... anyone. He was happy for his friend but also didn't want Daniel to get hurt.

Next, a Mercedes Benz pulled up, and Jack realized that it was the rest of his team that joined him. It compromised of, Kay his assistant, and Christina his stylist and makeup artist. They were like his family and, of course, they refused to be left behind.

"Hey." They both lulled him into that air kiss thing, he never really understood the point of that. After they all exchanged greetings they went off in their own directions. Leaving Jack alone yet again. So he decided to go find Zach.

He found the boy sitting on the fringes of the fire, with a Sprite in his hand. Apparently, the whiskey earlier had been his alcohol limit. He eyed Jack wearily. "I thought I was hiding pretty well."

Jack felt a little hurt. Did he really hurt Zach that much? "Well I found ya, so can we talk?"

Zach gave a little shrug, "I guess." Jack took it and sat down next to the other boy. This reminded him of the day they met. It had been a hot end of a summer day. He, Eben, and a few other people had gone to Cumberland Lake for the day. Then he saw Zach and took an interest, the boy had been on the outskirts of the group he was with. Looking lonely and somewhat bored.

"Ya know, I'm sorry. I...want to be friends again." He told Zach awkwardly. Zach just snorted.

"Yeah right. You just want to screw with my head again right? I'm sure y'all will have a laugh about it later." Zach told him fiercely, his southern accent coming out. That was a sign that he was truly hurt or angry. "You might want to go check on your girlfriend anyway." He said sharply, nodding his head toward the lake.

Jack looked. There was Gabbie, a flirty smile on her face, talking to some dark-haired boy. Her shirt pulled down a bit.

"N-no," Jack stuttered, confused as to why he was even being accused of it, "I really wanna fix things with you. I miss you!" He added the last part a bit desperately. "Gabbie's grown, she can do whatever, who am I to stop her." He said as an afterthought, realizing that he should probably at least address the fact that his girlfriend was trying to hook up with someone.

Even the darkness, he could see Zach's already rosy cheeks flush. Jack smirked a bit, knowing he'd done his job. He leaned over, putting his mouth right next to Zach's ear. "You like hearing that?" He whispered.

Zach looked at him, looking ready to unravel and Jack had to admit, it satisfied him greatly. Then all of a sudden Gabbie appeared.

"I'm ready to leave Jack." She gave a sweet smile but cast a suspicious look at Zach, who all of sudden was very interested in the fire.

"Can't it wait?" Jack asked her, but she glared, "Fine, come on." With that, they walked back to the car and got in.

"I can't believe you!" She said as the doors closed. "You're really trying to fuck him or something aren't you?" She yelled.

Jack had had enough, "Oh shut up! Clearly, you aren't any better. Don't think I didn't see you talking to that guy!" He yelled back. Gabbie smirked,

"Oh whatever, that was different, it was payback for you." She said nonchalantly. He sighed. "Ok, fine you don't want me to cheat, don't flirt with Zach or you'll know what'll happen." He felt his heart sink.

"No, you wouldn't dare. You say you can ruin me, but what about all those times she's been left alone. Those days you come home drunk and ignore her. The days you just dump her off on your sister. You honestly think that you have leverage?" He demanded, feeling way less confident than he sounded.

"Sure. Just keep it in mind." With that she got out of the car, seeing as the two were at the hotel now. Once she got out, Jack let himself fall back against the seat. What the actual hell had he gotten himself into?

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