twenty four

142 9 3

trigger warning/ f-slur

Jack was left standing in his room in shock. His mind was overloaded. When he went to sit on the couch, he saw that Gabbie was still sitting there.

"What are you still doing here?" He mumbled.

She just gave him a little shrug, "Just thought maybe you'd want someone to talk to."

"Are you serious? You caused this!" Jack replied through gritted teeth.

"Well yeah, but we need to talk through what we're going to do with Lavender now that I'm going to Hawaii."

The words hit Jack like a ton of bricks. After all of this, she was still leaving?

"Are you fucking serious? You come here and manage to sabotage my relationship and you're still going to take my child away from me!" He didn't even try to keep his voice even, it was rising to a shout. Unfortunately for him, Gabbie fell for it, causing them to start a screaming match.

"Really? You're the one who turned out to be a faggot!" She yelled back.

That made Jack lose it, "First of all, never use that word in front of me! Two, I happen to be bisexual okay? Yeah you're the woman to raise my child." The last one was low, but he couldn't help himself.

"Then maybe you should've thought about it before you fucked me huh? It's not like I wanted to get pregnant!"

This was exactly his point, Gabbie always acted like this, like she couldn't care less if Lav lived or died. He decided to point this out for once, "See, this is why I don't want her leaving. I want to know my child is safe and quite frankly, I don't think she is with you!"

Gabbie just rolled her eyes, "Oh whatever. We can talk this out in court then. Expect the papers soon." She said coldly.

"Fine! Just get the fuck out." Jack replied, rubbing his temples. She got up and he led her out.

When Jack opened the door, he was faced with the sight of Daniel, who only stood there with a bemused expression on his face.

"I hope I'm not interrupting." He said dryly. Gabbie just shrugged at him and Jack snorted in response. He knew that Daniel had probably heard every bit of their argument. Gabbie turned and gave a look to Jack that said this argument wasn't over.

He resisted the urge to make another comment and instead turned to face Daniel, "Can I help you?"

Daniel just nodded, "Um...I'm here for the rest of Zach's things."

The words didn't help Jack. He could only nod and move to let Daniel in. The bleach blonde came in and went to the space where clothes was sprawled out. He started putting things in the suitcase that had also been left behind.

Jack you watched Daniel in silence, until finally he couldn't help himself, "How is he?" Jack asked quietly.

Daniel just sighed, "He's hurt Jack. Just when you gave him broke him again. I don't know what you want to hear but that's all I can tell you."

Those were the words that Jack didn't want to hear but that's all I can really tell you."

Jack could admit that that wasn't what he wanted to hear. However all he could manage to say was, "Tell him I'm sorry."

Daniel just shook his head at him, "Sorry doesn't fix it."

With that, Daniel picked up the suitcase and walked out. Leaving Jack with the mixture of sadness and guilt he'd been feeling since the fight. Knowing he probably wouldn't do anything tonight, Jack decided to just go to sleep.


The next morning Jack awoke to a knock on the door. He practically jumped out of bed to answer, hoping that it was Zach.

So he felt a great deal of disappointment when the door opened and revealed Kay and Christina. "What are you doing here?" He asked rather rudely.

The girls didn't seem bothered by his rudeness and just came in anyways. Once they were inside his room, Jack asked again, "What are you doing? Shouldn't we be getting ready to go back to L.A.?"

Kay gave him a look that asked if he was really the stupidest person in the world. "We're supposed to be, but you have things to figure out don't you?"

Jack just sighed, "I don't know. Is he still here?"

Kay dug her phone out, but Christina spoke, "No, he left last night with Daniel and Corbyn."

That news didn't settle well with Jack. "Is Corbyn coming with us?"

Christina'a face had a look of unease, "He said he was taking some time off. I don't know when he'll be back or if..."

Jack nodded, knowing that he'd never made any of his employees sign a contract, Corbyn was technically allowed to not come back ever again, however it was a hard pill to swallow. Corbyn had been like a brother to Jack, it would be hard to never see him again.

"Okay... whatever I guess. We have a flight to L.A. to catch so why don't you let me start packing." He ignored the looks that Kay and Gabbie were giving him and ushered them out the door.

Once they were out, he went and faced his suitcase which was lying open on his bed. He slowly started packing, here he thought he'd have another chance with Zach. But of course not he fucked it up before anything could really go anywhere....again.

It took him about half an hour to pack and then he met the girls in the lobby. They loaded into a car silently and began the ride to Knoxville.

Jack found himself dozing off in the car and he wasn't going to try and stop it because he didn't want to think about how his life was falling apart.

A bit later, he was being shaken awake by Christina, "Jack, we're here. It's time to get on the plane."

Jack rubbed his eyes and nodded. They boarded the small private plane and took their seats.

Once again, Christina spoke, "Are you sure you don't want to talk about it Jack?"

Jack put a smile on his face. "I'm sure Christina. What I'd like to do is sleep. So just wake me when we get to California."

Both girls looked like they wanted to protest but they didn't. Which allowed Jack to fall into a fitful slumber.

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