Chapter 27: Misinformation

Start from the beginning

"A lot has happened in the past few hours. Sorry for not warning you about it."

"You knew this was going to happen?" I asked with a baffled look.

There was a conflicted look in her eye and she chewed on her lip "well you've been gone for awhile and we all decided-"

"Who is this 'we'?" I interjected. I realized it was kinda rude but i was too focused on the fact that this wasnt some unplanned incident.

"Everyone who was in our training group; Sage, Warren, Scott..." Jean trailed off. my face fell as she listed off names. Her brow pushed together as she saw my expression change. I guess it'd be safe to say I was a little hurt by this all, but at the same time I understand why they did it.

"Classes will be suspended for the time being. This place'll be a place to stay" she explained gesturing to the institute behind her. "Look I'm sorry no one told you. I really am. If it helps, I did try to get them to include you" the corner of her mouth was turned downward in a sympathetic frown.

I shrugged in a nonchalant manner "it's fine. I get why it happened."

Jean smiled at me looking relieved. She tends to be the kind of person who hates letting anyone down or to see anybody distressed.

Her attitude shifted immediately into her usual upbeat and collected self. "You guys wouldn't mind helping around a bit would you?" She said looking between Peter and I. "We're a bit short handed at the moment."


I ended up getting stuck with the organization of people to rooms in the school. I had to take names down and make lists of families so that they would be more likely to end up together. the fact that I can read people might not have been such a good thing for some people because I was able to catch a few people who were lying about being related or married. Even though I felt awful for forcing some couples apart, I really had no choice in the matter because of the way that the assigning process was planned out. I had to group families to a room and usually there was one or two bends left so they got filled by single people.

Peter had been tasked with assisting the government officers with anything that they were doing, but in no less than seven minutes he ended up plopping down on the cheap fold able chair next to me with a tremendous sigh. A ticked-off looking Sage accompanied him.

"Is this yours?" She asked with a heated voice, gesturing towards Peter.

I mouthed her an apology before turned my attention towards him. "What did you do?" I asked as I crossed out the last open room on the fourth floor.

He swiped the pen from my hand and began to spin on the table. I snatched it back hitting him in the arm with it. "I don't like authority" he grumbled.

I chuckled "no, you just have highly selective listening."

"Huh?" he said earning him another punch in the arm frm me.

"Not funny. These people are here to help us Peter"

"Are you serious? Do you even know where they're from?" He asked and I shook my head. "SHIELD they are from SHIELD Josie" he said it like this was some big deal and that I should obviously know that SHIELD means something negative.

"So? And before you ask, yes I know who they are" I added quickly.

"They used to be called the Supreme Headquarters, International Espionage, Law-Enforcement Division. Espionage and law enforcement... When does that mean helping out a bunch of people who don't have a home?"

"Okay, the key words that you said just then were 'used to' that means that it's not what it's called any more. It's Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division now." I said. "And I thought I was the cynical one" I added quietly.

"I still think the whole thing is mendacious" he said settling in his seat with is arms crossed.

"Lorna taught you that word, didn't she?"

Peter paused "...yeah."

I sighed "why don't you go do something productive and go find her, I haven't seen her around."

He gave me a quick salute and disappeared with a whoosh of air.


A/N: hey guys I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever. I've been at rehearsal until eight and as a senior I have a shitload of homework and scholarship stuff I gotta do.
I'm still posting so don't worry!

Question of the day: what's your stars sign?

Mine: I'm technically a cusp baby (born in a transition time. Dec 26th 😉) So I'm between Sagittarius and Capricorn. I identify more as a Sagittarius though... I hate being called a Capricorn cause it's just not me.

Anyway, Love you all!

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