"You're like the paparazzi." I scold. Eden shrugs it off before smiling widely.

"It's fixing to be a good year already. I have the first piece ready." He looks excited as he rubs his hands together in a villainous manner.

"School hasn't started yet and you're already tormenting the student body," I shake my head in mock disappointment and I reach for another box.

"That is the thing about journalism. If you move too slow, no one wants the story." Eden defends.

I hum and let him tell me about multiple stories he has stumbled across or interviews that he had already set up. I know Eden wanted to prove himself to the senior editor this year. It was only when he mentioned the two new students that my attention went to him.

"I'm going to do a welcome article about the new Colby students and that's sure to get me a few readers," He reaches forward to grab from the fruit basket on the counter. A loud bang comes from the hallway and both Eden and I jump as we turn towards the sound.

Blair rounds the corner, her eyes sparkling, as she abandoned whatever she was doing to come into the kitchen. Her eyes are firmly on Eden when she comes to a halt by him, "Who are they?" she demands almost breathless from excitement.

Eden, eager to share, leans in as if to share a secret, "They're the Colby's. Some hotshots from Georgia. They just enrolled and they're rolling in dough, even for Iverson standards."

Blair whistles at the knowledge and I have to admit, it's a lot of money. She and Eden share an exciting look. Eden continues and I watch as they gab like old ladies, "One is a very fine hunk with a very southern accent. I met him and almost melted."

"The scruffy one?" Blair perks up at the mention of the man from earlier.

"I call dibs on him," Eden quickly claims over the man. Blair's mouth drops open before she wails dramatically.

"No fair, you didn't give me a chance," Blair complains. Eden scoffs as he reaches over and grabs one banana on the counter.

"I'm not giving him up. His name is Leonidas, and it's destined between us," Eden bats his eyelashes at Blair's dejected face.

"How do you know anything about them? They just got here," I question, exasperated.

Eden sits forward and proudly exclaims, "I got a brief breakdown from admissions for one reason. You're looking at the welcoming committee. I get to show the new transfers around this semester."

For a second, I can only blink at him as I try to process his words. "We don't have a welcoming committee," The surprise heard in my voice. We don't. There is no actual point. Iverson doesn't accept transfers or new students, so there is no one to welcome.

Eden shrugs at my look, looking confused himself. "Look, not saying I'm not grateful that I get to be around that fine piece of meat-" Blair squawk out of her disapproval, clearly not likely competition for her price of the transfer, but Eden continues, "But, I didn't volunteer. Admissions pulled a few students to create one."

It's only when Eden lowers his voice, that I know he's about to tell us something that he overheard, "Apparently the college was told by their parents that the transfers were to have approved chaperons with them at all times."

"Approved chaperons," I muse while shaking my head, "What's that supposed to mean?" I give up on trying to unpack the kitchen and focus solely on Eden.

"It means," Blair weighs in, leaning over the counter, "That mommy and daddy Colby don't trust them to be by themselves."

I can't help but sputter at that. "You would know something about that, wouldn't you, Blair?"

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