Bakugou picked up your body bridal style and took you back to his house through the back door. He placed you comfortably on his couch and sat next to you to tend to your injuries. His family had a small med kit in hand so he used it to patch up the bruises and burns you had. Thankfully you didn't have any broken bones or serious injuries.

He saw that you were starting to wake, so he headed to the kitchen to grab you some water.

When he was helping your injuries he saw how dry your skin felt. So he assumed it must be withdrawals from your quirk.

Heading back to the living room he sees that you awake and he hands you the cup.

"Thank you". You said in a raspy voice.

"So , when r u planning on telling me your secrets y/n''? He asked in an irritated voice.

Throwing your head back you sigh.

"What secrets are we talking about, I have a lot, I need you to be more specific". Getting up and walking towards you he grabbed your chin and looks you dead in your eyes.

"Stop joking around, I want to know about your past, every gruesome detail". He says while letting go of your chin and sitting next to you again.

"Fine, it's a long story so I hope you're ready". You say.

For the next couple of minutes you tell him everything, from how your parents died, how you don't even know their names or faces, how the league of villains kidnapped you and tortured you for years, and how Aizawa took you in. After spilling it all at once there was a long silence.

"So that's why you lied about Aizawa being your dad, right"? Bakugou asked.

"Yeah sorry about that, I just don't know how I could have causally brought up what had happened to me". You said, your eyes trailed his body, you noticed his knee was still bleeding.

"Katsuki oh my god your still bleeding"! You say in panic.

"Huh? Oh I didn't even notice-". Before he could finish you quickly grabbed the first aid kit and sat in the floor to get a closer look at injury.

"Did I do this? I'm so sorry". You said as you started to look for some alcohol and bandages.

"I'm fine, now leave me alo-". Bakugou tried to protest your help but you were determined to help him. You soaked a cotton ball in alcohol and started to dab it on his knee. He flinched a little.
"Be careful dumbass that hurt". He said.

"Shut the hell up cry baby". You replied.

"Cry baby? You're the only cry baby here". Ignoring him you started to apply the badgers.

"I haven't done this in a while but, here to help speed up the process". You cupped your hand on his knees, bakugou's body felt safe and relaxed by your touch. Water started to circle around your hands and blue lights that resembled fire flies were floating around his knee. Bakugou watched in awe as you used the healing properties of your quirk to help him.

You were almost done when both of you heard his front door open. Turning your head you see a tall blonde woman who looks like bakugou's mom walking in.

"Fuck". Bakugou whispered under his breath.

"Katsuki? Whoes she? A GIRLFRIEND? FINALLY"! She yelled in excitement.

"Masaru come here and look"! She ran back outside to get someone.

"Y/b get off of me". Bakugou said, embarrassed.

"Wait but I'm not done yet".you said.

"LOOK HE BOUGHT A GIRL HOME". The man who walked in with her had brown hair and looked like he was going to cry.

He talked to his mom.

"Really? Then why you blushing so hard" his mom teased.

"Go die you old hag I'm not blushing". He was facing the other way.

"Are you done yet"? He asked.

"Um yes". You said holding back your laughter.

Getting up you turned to his parents.

"Hello, my name is y/n and I'm katsukis classmate. He invited me over today to help me train. It's very nice to meet you all". You said politely introducing yourself.

There was no reply, his parents just looked like they were about to cry.

"I- I'm sorry did I say something wrong"? You asked confused.

"Of course not honey, I should apologize, I'm mitsuki bakugou, and this is my husband masaru bakugou, we're katsukis parents, we're just surprised that idot actually got a girl to come over, what a shame you guys aren't dating". She said as she wiped away her tears of joy.

"Dating"? You said to yourself as you felt your face feel hot.

"You should stay and eat dinner"! She said excitedly.

"No she's leaving now! We're done training so you can go home"! Bakugou rudely interrupted.

"It's super late though, it wouldn't be safe for her to walk home on her own". Mitsuki said.

"It's fine, I won't be walking. I texted Aizawa before you guys came so he could pick me up, he should be here soon, so I'll stay for a little while". You look over at bakugou and give him a smug look on your face. He looked irritated and that made you satisfied.

Serendipity (bakugou x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now