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Waking up in the hospital bed, your body immediately got up.

Looking around you were in the school infirmary.

There were some bandages on your body to cover some bruises you got from the attack.

Remembering what had happened you quickly got up, a little too fast, you were still connected to an ivy plug to allow some water to flow in your body since you were still dehydrated.

"Guess I'm still stuck here". You thought to yourself.

Moving the curtain was separating you and someone else's bed, you wanted to know who it else might have been greatly injured.

It was bakugou. He looked like he was asleep, you never noticed that he actually got hurt in the fight.

You admired him, you admired the fact that he can stare death in the face and still smile.

He was strong and brave, you told yourself.

"One day bakugou, I'll be as strong and brave as you are, then maybe someday I can save you for once". Not noticing you said that aloud standing by him.

"Yeah you better idot, you owe me big time for saving your ass multiple times". He said, opening one eye and Turning over to look up at you.

You blushed from embarrassment.

"You were awake"?! You Said quickly Turning back to sit on your bed.

"What kind of dumbass talks to people while they sleep". He said mocking you.

"I- I don't know it just came out"! Still flustered, you replied.

Bakugou's curiosity was eating at him. Is he just going to pretend like he didn't notice how the villains were talking like they knew you.

You were hiding something and he wanted to know what and why.

Recovery lady walked into the room reliving you with news that Aizawa was going to be okay. You were glad, so you asked if it was ok for you to go and see him for yourself.

Making your way to his hospital room that he was assigned to.

Opening the door, your eyes met his body. He was asleep, not a surprise tho.

He was also covered in bandages so you couldn't tell if he was 100% sleeping.

Pulling a chair next to his bed you started talking, not knowing if he could hear you or not, but you had to let this out.

"Aizawa, I don't think I've ever properly thanked you for taking me back 2 years ago, so much in my life has changed in a way I never expected. I'm making friends with other kids my age, heck I think I even got bakugou to become my friend in a unique way. I see life differently and can freely express my happiness, and it's all thanks to you. So thank you for changing my life, dad". Your voice cracked as some tears rolled down your eyes. You hugged him gently thinking he was still sleeping, getting up from the chair, you left back to your hospital room.

Aizawa heard you. He heard it all, he wanted to tell you how glad he was to hear those words, but couldn't because he was still recovering.

Walking into your room, recovAery lady said it was safe to discharge you, looking around you had seen that bakugou was getting his stuff and was getting ready to leave too.

"Hey, katsuki". You said walking over to get your bag.

"What". He replied sounding irritated.

"Um, do you think we can walk home together today, you see I'm still a little paranoid from everything that has happened, I'll tell everything, one day". You said kind of shy.

Serendipity (bakugou x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now