The Job

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Faint autumn sounds filtered into the room as I opened my eyes. It was still early and I rolled on to my back and stretched. There was still a pleasurable ache between my legs and I smiled thinking about what happened last night. A light was coming from the window, the room's door was opened and I could hear Remus tinkering downstairs. The scent of fresh coffee filled my nosе and I wrapped the sheet around my body. Padding into the kitchen, Remus noticed me and smiled sweetly. He had made two plates with scrambled eggs and bacon. There were fresh fruits, a teapot, and a jug of coffee on the table. He was already showered and dressed and I couldn't help but smell him as I wrapped my arms around him from behind. I took a deep breath of his scent - of chocolate, of books, of a forest after rain, of home. He touched my hand on his stomach before dragging me to the table.

"I'm quite underdressed for breakfast," I laughed.

Remus' eyes appraised me and I blushed. Why did this man do this to me?

"Underdressed would be you in nothing more ... than me on top of you, " he said before sipping his tea. "Did you sleep well?" he asked when I sat down and started eating.

"Mmhmm... very well. I was so exhausted. You're better than a sleeping pill," I teased him. He smiled; his eyes fixed on me. I was mesmerized. "What? It's something wrong?"

"Absolutely nothing. You're beautiful. "the features of his face had softened.

I blushed. Again. Could I behave normally? To blush like a schoolgirl? My brain didn't work properly when Remus was around.

We had a quiet breakfast. It was so nice to be around him. I enjoyed the smallest ordinary things we did together. My heart would burst. I wanted to stay in this moment and not have to leave.

"I managed to sneak into your room and get you some clothes. As much as I like your dress from last night, you shouldn't wear it again today. I won't be able to let you go. " Remus hugged me.

"Was the house in its place?" I laughed, remembering Sirius.

"Yes, it was even surprisingly quiet. Given his reputation at school ... "

"Save me the details, please," I shuddered. "He's my uncle after all."

"I feel a little uncomfortable about that. Look, he's my best friend. I can't hide my relationship with you from him for a long time. "

Relationship. That word sounded so good on his lips.

"I know. I still didn't get the right moment. That tortures me too, and he obviously trusts you a lot as he lets me sleep in your house. "

"Yes, you'll have to pretend how uncomfortable my sofa was."

"I'll play with his guilty conscience of abandoning me for the sake of the redhead."

We both laughed. I walked to the bedroom when Remus stopped me and turned me around to face him. He cupped my face and kissed me deeply. This kiss was different. It wasn't demanding and so passionate, but it was soft and tender, I unconsciously returned it and wrapped my arms around him. Slowly our lips parted breathlessly and I stared at him. Remus smiled at me and gave me another quick peck.

"Off you go to the shower, you smell like sex," he grinned.

"I'd ask you to join me ..." I teased him

"If I joined you, we'd never leave this house today," he teased back.

The shower felt good and when I dried off, I could see the clothes Remus had laid out for me. I combed my hair and pulled it back before going downstairs.

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