Chapter Three- A New Feeling

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"I might have dropped this" said Rey.

"What are doing trying to lift that thing, its heavier than a Wookie's helmet" said Kylo, walking over to help.

"It is?" asked Rey. She looked up to the face of Ren. "You took that mask off then."

"I would have put it back on if you hadn't dropped this." Said Kylo. "Were you trying to use the force?"

"No, I'm not going to use the force in your home. You might do something to it" said Rey.

"Good. Don't use it in here, I don't know what will happen." Said Kylo.

Rey stared at the man. She didn't understand why he had to wear the mask in the first place. Darth Vader needed it so he could breathe, but Kylo just wore it to be dramatic or something. Still, he tried his best to hide behind his hair so that Rey could not see him.

Kylo went over to the overturned furniture and stood it up the right way.

"Where do you want it to go?" he asked Rey.

"Over there, but you just said that it was heavier than-" Rey was cut off. Kylo had grabbed the sides of the bedside table, lifted it, and was now walking it over to where Rey had pointed.

He put it down and walked back over to an open-mouthed Rey.

"How? You just said? Wait, wait what?" she was in disbelief. Rey knew how heavy a Wookie's helmet was, a single man could not have lifted it.

"I didn't say I couldn't lift it" said Kylo.

Rey could see his face clearly now. She felt something. His fair ebony hair ready to cover his soft brown eyes that went so perfectly with his bold body and deep voice. He was lost.


The girl came back from her daydream. She saw a new person in front of her, even though it was still Kylo, she had never felt this way before.

She smiled.

Kylo looked really creeped out.


"Yes Ben"

Kylo looked at her strangely. Why was she smiling?

"Why are you smiling like that?"

"No reason, Ben" responded Rey.

"I've told you before; Ben Solo is dead." Said Kylo.

"No he's not"

"Believe what you like, but it is not the truth" said Kylo.

Rey sook her head to clear her mind from the funny feeling.

"How did you lift that; you can't be that strong" said Rey.

"Well, I am. That's what has to happen if you want to survive in this world" said Kylo.

The two moved some furniture around in Rey's room and then cleared the dust away. Rey kept on glancing at Kylo, she didn't know why. He only kept his head down and lifted things.

They were almost ready to go and eat when Kylo spotted something under Rey's pillows.

"What are these" he said, holding up the clothing that Rey had slept in last night.

"Oh, I found them in the wardrobe" Rey said.

"Did you use them?" he asked.

"Yes" Rey said. "What did you expect me to do, I had no idea what I was meant to do after you brought me in here and then-".

"No, it's alright, you can use them" said Kylo.

"Really?" said Rey.

"Yes, it's not like I have any use for them anymore" he said.

"You might soon" said Rey.

"No, I won't" finished Ren.

A bell rang at the door suddenly.

Kylo did not rush to answer it, he just stood and gazed at the girl. After another ring at the door and Kylo went to answer it. Rey followed behind.

A woman dressed in uniform was stood at the door holding out a tray, she seemed surprised to see Rey there and stared at her for a moment.

"Thank you" said Kylo, after he noticed the eye contact the two women had. The woman broke her contact with Rey and smiled at Kylo.

She looked like the sort of person who knew more than she let off. The job of a food deliverer did not quite fit her personality.

"Of course, sir" she said, "Until tomorrow."

The uniformed woman's eyes lingered over Kylo Ren for a moment before she turned away and went back down the stairs.

"What was that?" asked Rey, smirking at Ren who was still watching the woman walk away.

"That was the food, in case you haven't noticed that food looks like this" sad Kylo, holding out the tray.

"No, I mean she was looking at you strangely. Do you know her?" asked Rey.

"I know her from nothing but when she delivers food. It has been a long day, go and sit down." Said Kylo.

He was smirking inside as he watched Rey walk into the dining room, checking behind her as she went. He shook his head.

"Does she ever quit? Surely soon she has to run out of energy!" he thought.

Ren followed her into the dining room.

It had only been two days and Rey was already proving to be more than you would expect from a scavenger of Jakku. 

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