Rey stood up and slipped out of her borrowed clothes. She almost didn't want to change, they were the most comfortable fabric ever, and they were the perfect size for her to relax, but she did wonder how a young man like Kylo could be so strong.

After putting her regular sandy clothes, she opened her door.

Halfway along the mini corridor there was a long mirror on the wall with a neat black rim. Rey stood in front of it and looked at herself.

Her hair was a full-on mess in her usual three bun hairstyle, and her clothes were ripped and muddy from last night's fight. She wasn't going to herself tidy up for a pathetic monster who killed his own father and who has probably broken his mother's heart.

When Rey walked cautiously into the main room with the sofas, everything came back to her. It was the most beautiful room alive; she didn't know how a place so grand could be here on the Death Star.

The girl wandered across the room, looking at the paintings of the galaxy on the wall. In the room with the long table Kylo Ren was stood, clad in his ordinary black clothing and cloak with his mask on his head. He was standing, arms crossed, waiting for Rey.

For a moment the two just faced each other and did not speak. Until...

"The Supreme Leader is convinced that you require food to survive" Kylo said. "Are you hungry?"

"I don't want food from you" Rey said.

"Very well, you will starve then." He spoke. "I ask again. Do you want food?"

"Yes" said Rey, after a few moments.

Kylo moved into the kitchen and took a seat at one side of the table. Rey sat opposite him.

"If I could, I would send you back home, so that you cannot disrupt anything here." Said Ren, as Rey began to eat a piece of bread. Ren did not remove his mask and did not eat but continued to stare at Rey. "The Supreme Leader insists that we make you comfortable here. In a few minutes we will go and fit you into more appropriate clothes, space is cold. When you step out of these chambers you will no longer feel as if you are on Jakku."

"That's why its so hot in here" said Rey. "You must be boiling under that mask Ben."

"That is none of your concern." Replied Ren, it really was boiling under his mask, and under the rest of his clothes.

"I don't need new clothes." insisted Rey.

"I think you will find you do. Also, a shower and a hairbrush" he said.

It was true. Rey smelt like almost every planet in the Galaxy, her hair was a mess, and her clothes were ripped.

"After you have finished eating, we will go and sort that out" continued Kylo.

Rey put her food down.

"Let's go now" she said. Rey stood up and walked towards the front door. Kylo Ren followed. Rey saw that his lightsaber was in his belt, even though she was not armed. Was he expecting a fight or something?

"Ben?" asked Rey suddenly.

"That is not my name" he replied.

Rey ignored him. "I'm only going along with this whole thing so I can turn you. There is light still in you, I know it."

Rey walked out of the door. Kylo Ren watched her walk for a moment before following her out the door.


Kylo Ren was waiting outside the resource room on a busy corridor. Stormtroopers passed. Kylo knew that none of them would even give a nod to him, they were all scared of the mask, but even more of the man under it.

About ten minutes earlier, Rey had gone inside the room to pick out her clothes. Kylo was not exactly sure how she would react, but she had stayed silent on the way there and walked into the room without any words.

Suddenly, a thought struck Kylo!

"She's trying to escape isn't she!" Kylo thought.

His hand shot to the doorknob, but just as he was about to turn it and rush in lightsaber in hand, the handle turned, and Rey stopped herself just in time before she walked into Ren.

"What are you doing?" she said.

"Making sure you're not trying to escape or something" he replied.

"Seriously?" she said, as she raised an eyebrow. "Do you really think I'm going to leave you here. You are a murderous snake and you will pay for what you did."

"I do not need looking after, Rey" mumbled Kylo.

Rey sighed. She was holding a pile of clothing.

"I'm going to go and change into these" said Rey, after a moment of gazing at Ben.

"I'm not allowed to let you out of my sight" said Kylo.

"You've already broken that rule at least twice. I'm not leaving this ship without you, Ben. I cannot break Leia's heart any more than you already have." Said Rey, not breaking eye contact even when Ren refused to meet her eyes and looked down. "I'm going back to your chambers."


"She cannot stay with me. The girl refuses to leave me alone, she says that she is not leaving this ship until I am one the same side as her."

Kylo Ren was back in the room where The Supreme Leader was in hologram form. The Jedi was angry and was gesturing like crazy with his hands.

"Please Supreme Leader, I don't want her living with me" shouted Ren.

"If I change everything then I might as well give the order to let her go free. She stays with you Ren. That is an order!" The Supreme Leader boomed. "I want you to give her more freedom. Show her around, find something that you both have a talent in. It is only a matter of weeks before you and her begin training with me. Find peace with her, NOW!"

The Supreme Leader vanished. Ren hadn't even finished his points.

He drew his lightsaber and the unstable red light flashed around the room as he destroyed everything even remotely close to him.

The truth was the man was strangely lacking the power to obey these orders even though he wanted to. After his fight in the forest with her and the way she blocked the force, he could not quite put his finger on it, but there was something very strange going on inside him. And he could have sworn Rey felt it too.

Queen of the Death Star🖤जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें