Recruits: James

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Jaiden hated him. He just knew it. James was so mad at himself for not telling her about Alex. Now they were on a transport to Vancouver city. The girl over the military army (Tabbes) admitted that she was an animator, but volunteered to be in the Canadian army. 

"We'll take you guys to the Vancouver hotel while we figure out what's going on," Tabbes said, " And I might know a few people who can finish off your list of animators." They got out of the transport and Tabbes escorted them to the lobby and checked them in. 

"Jaiden," He whispered, "Listen, I'm sorry about searching for another animator without you. And...completely failing at it. But it was beeping, and you were-"

"It's fine James," Jaiden said, "Let's just be cool with each other, and not worry about it. I would hate for this to come between our mission." James felt slightly better, but he knew he had to prove himself somehow.

"Okay, I'll show you your suites,"  Tabbes said, Just to let you know, there should be some clothes in a closet once you get there."  They followed her into an elevator and handed them each a hotel card. Once they got to the top floor, they went searching for their rooms. Tabbes tapped James on the shoulder before he left the elevator.

"I sense that something is wrong between you and Jaiden," She said.

"Yeah, I kinda sorta did something behind her back," James said.

"Then apologize," She said, "It's that simple." 

"I already tried that," James said, "She said it was fine, but I think she's just saying it for the good of the team." 

"Then it's fine," Tabbes said, "Listen, I can't help you any further than that. But if you really like her, then I would get someone else who is actually interested in your love life."

"Wait, my love life?" But it was too late. The elevator doors closed and James turned to go find his room. He found his room and marveled at it. It had a kitchenette and a big lounge area with a balcony. There was a hallway leading to a bedroom and what James was hoping was a bathroom too. He walked into the bedroom and checked the closet. Sure enough, there was a leather jacket, two pairs of jeans, three t-shirts, and a pair of sweatpants. He thought about what Tabbes said. Find someone who is interested in your love life. If James did this, he would basically be confirming his feelings for Jaiden.

"No," He told himself, "Jaiden and I are just friends."


It was the next day and James woke up right on time. He got dressed in his day clothes and found a paper stuffed under his door. It read:

Meet me in the lobby.


James quickly went to the elevator when he ran into Jaiden also going to the elevator.

"Umm...hey," He said.

"Hi," She responded. They walked into the elevator and James pressed the button to go down to the lobby. 

"So, did you get something from Tabbes too?" He asked her.

"Yeah," She said, "I wonder what it's about." It seemed like every second turned into a minute before the doors opened to the lobby. Rebecca and Tony were already there, chatting with Tabbes and three other people James didn't recognize. A few minutes later, Adam, Tim, and Den came down too. 

"Oh, good everyone is here," Tabbes said, "So, these are my other friends who are also animators for youtube, Illy, Dom, and Devon." They all shook hands before taking a seat. James could barely remember them from when he was an animator and wondered why.

"So Tabbes was telling us about your plan," Dom started, "And we have agreed to join." 

"That's awesome!" Jaiden said, "Welcome to the team!"

"Now, we just need a plan," Illy said, "How and when we're going to do this."

"Our time expires in a month." Jaiden said, "So as soon as possible."

"With the billionaires, we could probably catch a ride in two days max," Devon said, pointing to Adam and Den.

"Sure," Adam said shrugging, "I guess my fame could finally be useful." Den nodded too.

"We still need to find out what Dixie is up to," Jame said.

"Well, you and the tech guy could help us crack the U.S system," Dom said, "Then the rest of you need to be on a lookout for any tiktokers who might be spying in the city."

"How do we know if they're apart of Dixie's army?" Rebecca asked.

"There should be a blue tint in their eye," Jaiden explained, "If you see it, you have to find a way to get away from them immediately." 

"Looks like we have a plan," Tabbes said, "Now we need to get this thing going as soon as possible." 

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