The briefcase: Jaiden

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Jaiden thought that she knew pain, but not like this. Her whole body ached with pain. When she left the building, the tiktokers noticed her following them and set off a bomb. Luckily, they were really bad throwers, but she was caught in the force of the bomb when it exploded. But the weird thing was that they attached the token to the bomb instead of taking it. Jaiden knew that it was probably destroyed (along with the Jeep which was also in the range of the bomb) and Ari and Tofu got scared and flew to who knows where, but why didn't they just take it to find the other animators before she and the others did. Unless they didn't need the token anymore. Unless...

"Jaiden!" James came running over, "Are you okay?"

"Yep, just got knocked out by a giant bomb," She said, "No big deal." The others were running up behind him.

"What happened?" Rebecca asked. Jaiden explained what the tiktokers had done.

"We need to get out of this city," Adam said, "By tomorrow, this will be all over the media."

"What about finding the next animators?" James asked, "The token was destroyed. We don't have a way to find them."

"Is this what you're talking about?" Tim asked. He held up a handful of small little screws and bolts. In the pile was the face of the token, a fist.

"Yes!" Jaiden said, "How was it not destroyed?"

"It could be some sort of fire-proof metal," Tim said, examining it, "I could probably fix it by tomorrow if I had the right tools." Jaiden could feel herself blush, hard.

"Okay, but we really need to get out of this city." Adam said, "I have a friend who might be willing to lend us transportation, but she lives at least a good fifty-seven miles from here."

"Then we should get going if we're gonna make it tomorrow,"  James said. And with that, they set off to the edge of the city. Soon, they reached an abandoned nature preserve.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so stupid!" James said, "We have absolutely no place to sleep!"

"Gottcha covered," Adam said. He pressed a few buttons on his briefcase and opened it up. He set it on the ground and before their eyes, popped up what looked like a military platoon.

"Wow. That just happened,"  Rebecca said. Adam motioned them to follow him inside the giant platoon. There were five sets of bunk beds lining the walls. Adam found some Tylenol for Jaiden and she took one before she went to change in the bathroom

"Everyone, get some rest," Adam said, "We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow."


Jaiden was always used to waking up before sunrise. But everyone else was sleeping, except for one. She went outside and started climbing towards him.

"Hey," She said. James turned around.

"Good morning," He said. He was sitting on the edge of a hill that overlooked the city. The lights were beautiful.

"It's crazy to think that just seventy-two hours ago, we didn't even know each other," Jaiden said.

"Wow," James said, "Funny how time flies when you're having fun." Jaiden smiled. Then, she noticed that the sun was rising. It was beautiful to watch the light peak over the giant city. 

"You won't see that in the forest," Jaiden said. She felt James' hand inch closer to hers. She wasn't one-hundred percent sure about her feelings for James. She really liked him, but she wasn't sure it was the way he wanted her to like him. She knew that her crush on Tim was growing daily. But something inside of her told her to inch her hand closer to his. 

Three inches...

Two inches...

One inch...

There was a rustle in the bushes. James and Jaiden quickly slid their hands back to themselves. There was a sigh and Rebecca walked out of the bushes. 

"Seriously?" She asked.

"Rebecca, what are you doing here?" Jaiden asked, "And how did you get here without us noticing?"

"You didn't notice me?" Rebecca asked, "Were you too busy gazing into each other's eyes?" 

"Rebecca!" Jaiden said.

"Oh and also, Tim and Adam are getting ready to go, so you two should probably come down." James and Jaiden got up and followed Rebecca down the hill.

"If we travel at a constant speed, then we should get to San Bernando around ten in the evening," Adam said, "But that's okay since usually, that's the casino's biggest hour. " Tim was sitting on the ground fixing the token.

"Any luck?" Jaiden asked him.

"Yeah, I just have to connect more screws and we should be good."

"That's great!" Jaiden said. Adam put the tent back into his briefcase (or the tent put itself back into the briefcase) and continued onto San Bernando


"Okay, I'm ready to meet your friend," James said, "I don't the that I can take any more of this walking." 

"We're almost there," Adam said. Jaiden could see it in the distance. They continued walking towards the casino. When they got there, Adam pulled them into an alley. 

"We aren't going to go in there like this," He said. He pressed a few buttons on his briefcase and opened it. He pulled out some nice looking outfits from the case and handed them to each of them.

"Okay, but where do we put our other clothes?" Jaiden asked.

"In the briefcase!" Adam said. He pulled out a giant curtain, "Here, take this to the back and change," Jaiden took it and Adam handed them each a curtain. Jaiden trapped it over two dumpsters and changed into her dress. It was a gold dress that came down just below her knee. It came with matching shoes and a hairpin so she wrapped up her hair and pinned it up. Once she was changed, she grabbed her armor and took down her curtain. 

"Adam, I am so glad we found you," James said, walking towards Adam. They both had tuxedos on, but Adam's was a dark red with black lining and James had a bowtie instead of a tie. James turned to look at Jaiden.

"Wow," He said, "You look...beautiful!" 

"You don't look so bad yourself," Jaiden said. She and James handed their armor to Adam, "Where'd you get that briefcase anyway?" 

"It was one of my first inventions," He said, "But I only use it for emergencies only."

"Wait, that thing could make someone rich in an instant!" Jaiden said.

"That's where you're wrong!" Adam said, "I'm not that smart to come up with something like that. You see, everything it makes just unravels and disappears after ten hours." Then, Rebecca and Tim came out from the back of the alley. Tim was wearing a black suit like James and Rebecca was wearing a black sleeveless dress with little specks of gold in it and a fur coat over. 

"I gotta say, that briefcase is quite the tailor!" Rebecca said. Adam motioned them to follow him into the casino. The security guards seemed to let him right in when they saw him.

"So where is your friend?" Jaiden asked.

"Most likely near the poker," Adam said. They followed Adam over to where the poker was. There were a lot of people, but Adam pin-pointed one and tapped her on the shoulder. She had black and pink hair and was wearing a long, black dress with a line of gold going diagonally down it.

"Nice to see you again, Den," He said.

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