The Gala: Jaiden

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Everything was about to happen tomorrow. Pewdiepie was cleared for being healthy and was leaving back to the UK, Adam made the decision to hand over the company to Tim, who made the decision to hand it over to one of his cousins, the hunt for the government would begin tomorrow (Jaiden would also be hunting down her family), and unless they were international, everyone would be transported to Canada until the U.S could get control of itself. But tonight, Jaiden and mostly all the animator's ant Pewdiepie's team were invited to a gala to celebrate the end of Dixie's reign. 

Jaiden was now currently in the hospital. She could hardly remember what happened after she was pulled out of the pool, she mostly just slept through the day. Yesterday, she was checked and got a few stitches. Today, she was cleared and was supposed to be picked up to get ready for tonight. She sat, waiting on the edge of her bed facing out of the window. Then, she heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," She said. The door opened and it was Tim.

"Hi," He said, "Umm...James wanted me to give you this," He handed Jaiden an envelope.

"Thanks," She said. There was tension in the room. The last time Jaiden and Tim were in a room together, things happened.

"Jaiden," Tim started, "I really like you, but after seeing what went down a few days ago, I think it would be best if we were just friends." 

"I like the sound of that," Jaiden said. Tim smiled.

"You should be with him," Tim said, "He obviously makes you happy. And seeing you happy, will make me happy." Jaiden knew he was talking about James. She shrugged.

"It's kinda complicated," She said.

"Well, let's get out of here," Tim said. Jaiden got out of her bed and they left the room. Once they reached downstairs, Tim filled out some paperwork. Jaiden could tell that the sun shined brighter and people were smiling a little more. Once Tim finished filling out the papers, they walked out of the hospital.

"The car is over there," He said, pointing. Jaiden walked over to the car and got into the back seat.

"Hi!" Rebecca was in the front seat, "Good to see you alive!"

"Thanks," Jaiden said, "You too?" Tim got in the front seat and they left.

"So, where are we going exactly?" Jaiden asked.

"The Hotel," Rebecca said, "Since we're all moving to Canada tomorrow, you'll just room with me. Also, your dress for tonight should be back there." Jaiden saw a garment bag next to her. she unzipped it a little and saw that it was a light violet and had small sparkles weaving through the fabric.

"Wow, thank you!" She said. Rebecca nodded and began to drive. Jaiden zipped the garment bag back up and took out the letter that Tim gave her from James. She opened it and read it.

Dear Jaiden, 

            I'm sorry I can't see you yet. I've been called to multiple meetings to deal with the Dixie situation. Apparently, she was overwhelmed with the hate online, it lead her to madness. Who knew? Charli is hanging in there, but Chase's death has kinda broken her a bit. His funeral was yesterday, we cremated him. The FBI has been working on reversing the serum Dixie has stuck in all of them and have brought in some family members and loved ones and a few have gone back to normal. We still have a lot to work to do, but we'll get to that later. As soon as we restore the government, we can go back to our normal lives and resume our youtube career! I'm smiling just thinking about it! Anyway, I hope to see you tonight!



Jaiden was overwhelmed with the number of people that were there at the party that night. She guessed that most of them were YouTubers or other social media stars she just hadn't met. She went with Rebecca, which she was glad since she didn't want to be alone on one of the most exciting nights of her life. 

"Hey, Jaiden!" Illy called her over. Tabbes and Den were also there. Jaiden started walking over to them, but she accidentally bumped into someone on the way there.

"Sorry," Jaiden told her. The girl turned around and it was Charli. She was wearing a long, black dress with a rhinestone sash diagonally down her chest.

"Oh, hi. You're Jaiden, one of the animators right?" She asked. Jaiden could tell that Charli was trying to keep everything together.

"Yeah," Jaiden said, "Also, I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry about your sister and Chase." Charli shrugged.

"Actually, I'm kinda glad that Dixie was caught. Yes, she was my sister, but she was going insane," She said, "But the sad part is that she might never be the same again." Jaiden nodded. She didn't mention Chase, but Jaiden didn't want to push it. She said, goodbye and continued to walk over to where Illy, Den, and Tabbes were. 

"Hey!" She said, walking over, "Den, what happened to your leg?" Den was on crutches and Jaiden could vaguely see a cast on her leg.

"I was stabbed," Den said, drinking a glass of champagne, "But luckily, it wasn't too deep," A waiter came over to serve them refreshments. 

"Do you guys know where James is?" She asked.

"Umm...I don't know," Tabbes said, bitting into a bruschetta "Although, I think he said that-" 

"Hello, ladies!" Adam said, walking over to them. Dom, Devon, Tony, Tim, and Pewdiepie was with him, "How's it going?" For some reason, it seemed like Adam was directing that question to Den. Then, Jaiden remembered something she carried in her hand-bag.

"Felix," Jaiden said, "I think this belongs to you," She handed him the token. He stared at it for a minute. Then, he handed it back to her.

"No, you should keep it," He said, "And let it be a reminder that you brought back the one thing that the world can be united in. I hope that sounded philosophical." Jaiden took the token back and put it back into her bag.

"Oh, and Felix, I have a question," She said, "How come I wasn't captured along with you? Dixie said that you never registered me into your team." 

"Because I knew that if something happened, we would need a backup plan," Felix said, "And I needed someone who thinks outside the box, someone who was apart of another elite team and just needed to assemble them." Jaiden felt a lot better about herself.

"Thanks," She said smiling. Suddenly, Tony shoved his way through the crowd. Jaiden didn't even know he left.

"Jaiden, I just saw James," He said, "He said to meet him on the top floor balcony." Everyone stared at Jaiden, but she was already shoving herself through the crowd to the stairs. She saw James through the clear glass doors on the balcony leading outside. She opened them and walked over to stand next to him.

"It's funny how the world works," He said, "One minute, I'm a rejected youtube living in the wreckage of a plane, and the next, I'm some glorified savior."

"I think your family would be proud," Jaiden said. James turned and smiled at her.

"A friend I really cared about once told me that I mean the world to her," James said.

"Oh, really?" Jaiden asked, "Was she pretty?"

"Prettier than all the stars in the world," James said. They walked toward each other and embraced. Then, James kissed her, and she kissed him back. They held each other in their arms under the moonlight, like nothing else mattered.

If the world was ending...Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora