The rescue: Jaiden

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Jaiden was sick and tired of these tiktokers. Pretty much every floor had me or tew tiktokers, she, Devon, Tony, and Rebecca knocked them out, they checked the floor with no luck, and would move onto the next one.

"Where is Pewdiepie?" Jaiden asked, agitated, "He has to be here somewhere!"

"Should be one more floor," Devon said, "But I can't figure out who the other heat signature is."

"Dixie said something about a sister," Rebecca said. They fought their way through the two tiktokers and ran up the stairs. This floor was a little different than the others. It was filled with abandoned laboratory supplies.

"What's that?" Tony asked pointing to what seemed like a curtain. Jaiden could barely see a small light coming from the other side. Jaiden walked over to the curtain and pulled it. She stumbled back when she saw who was in there. 

"Are they...dead?" Rebecca asked. Pewdiepie was leaning against one side of the wall, and a girl who looked like Dixie was on the ground, barely breathing. 

"We have to get them out of there!" Devon said, "They're fading!" 

"I got this," Tony said. He pulled out a knife and threw it at the glass. It shattered and woke them up a little bit.

"Jaiden?" Pewdiepie croked.

"Felix!" Jaiden said, "Are you okay?" She helped him up, but he could barely stand. 

"Here," Jaiden said, handing him the token," He closed his hands around it.

"You did it, Jaiden," Pewdiepie smiled, "You actually did it!" Devon helped Dixie's sister up.

"What's your name again?" He asked her.

"Charli," She mumbled. Suddenly, Jaiden heard someone walk in. She turned to see two tiktokers standing in the doorway. One was a guy named Chase from her dream, and the other one was Addison, the girl who kidnapped her and James.

"You will not take them away," They said in unison, "Not without a fight." Their voices were echoey and it creeped Jaiden out. She was ready to win this fight.

"Wait!" Charli tried to stand up, "Chase?" Chase suddenly started to twitch like he was being electrocuted. Jaiden stared in awe as Chase struggled to stay standing. Addison even averted her eye and looked at Chase. 

"What's happening?" Chase asked. The echo was going on and off. Charli ran over to him, but Jaiden saw Addison pull out a gun.

"CHARLI!" Jaiden yelled to warn her. But Addison was too quick. She pulled the trigger.

"No!" Chase yelled. The echo had completely left his voice. He ran in front of Charli. Jaiden saw Chase fall to the ground as he clung to Charli. Rebecca quickly knocked out Addison and tied up her hands. Why she didn't do that earlier, Jaiden didn't know.

"Is...he okay?" Tony asked. They walked over to Chase. Charli was underneath him. Jaiden saw where the bullet had entered. It was hard to look at. 

"Chase?" Charli asked getting up, "Chase!" He didn't move.

"He's dead," Devon said. Jaiden gasped. She never knew Chase, but it was still devastating.

"No!" Charli cried. 

"Jaiden, come over here," Rebecca said. Jaiden walked over to where Rebecca was holding Addison hostage.

"What is it?" She asked.

"I got Ms. Tiktoker here to tell me the location of Dixie in this giant building," Rebecca said, "Tell her what you told me," She poked at Addison.

"T-top...floor," Addison said. Jaiden could tell that she was fighting against the serum. It wasn't Addison who killed Chase, it was Dixie.

"Okay," Jaiden said, "I'm going to signal James." She pressed the button on her end of the signal.

"What do we do with them?" Tony asked gesturing to Charli crying and Pewdiepie being checked by Devon. 

"We should just wait for them to get here," Jaiden said.

"Today," Addison said, "S-she knows." 

"What?" Jaiden said.

"She knows!" Addison said. Jaiden realized that they didn't have the element of surprise on their side.

"Then that means that I have to go," Jaiden said.

 "Wait, Jaiden, I'll come with you," Rebecca said.

"No, there's too much here. When everyone else comes here, tell them that I'm on the top floor," Jaiden said. Rebecca nodded. Jaiden said goodbye and started upstairs.

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