Cake, cake and more cake

Start from the beginning

Ye Jin's heart melted at his words, her eyes already shining with unshed tears from all the birthday messages they have already read. Now, those tears threatened to spill at how happy she was sharing this moment with Hyun Bin.

"Wishing our legendary actress a very happy birthday, we love you tons, and wish you the very best in this new age."

"Jagiya, I'm soft for them. I feel so loved. I don't think of myself as legendary, but I can feel how much they love me. It just makes me want to work harder and give them my love in my future projects." Ye Jin's voice was raw as she read the next message.

"You are an amazing actress, love and you have the most beautiful soul I know. Everything your fans say is true and I am sure this is just barely scraping the surface." Hyun Bin verbalised his inner thoughts.

He meant every single word. Ye Jin deserves the world. He was tremendously happy that the world seems to recognize that on her special day since fans all over the world were sending her well-wishes and giving her so much love. He wanted to thank them too for putting such a precious smile on Ye Jin's face.

"1982.01.11 HAPPY YE JIN DAY. First hand Son Ye Jin Taiwan Support."

"Love, I honestly don't know what I did to deserve this." Ye Jin was truly overwhelmed by the love now as yet another group of fans from another country conveyed their love for her through the cake.

Hyun Bin simply wrapped Ye Jin tighter in his embrace, nuzzling his face against her neck to soothe her. He could feel how touched she was as they unveiled cake after cake, processing the kind words and blessings given to her from fans all over the world.

"Happy Birthday to the loveliest Son Ye Jin who landed in Capt. Ri's arms."

The couple smiled at the next one. Like The Negotiation, Crash Landing on You would always hold a special place in their hearts. The phrase sent a wave of joy into their already full heart as Ye Jin let out a chuckle.

"The landing is always the most important, isn't it Captain Ri?" Ye Jin teased.

"You're right, and you landed perfectly, Son Ye Jin." Hyun Bin played along.

With that, the two lovers burst out into a fit of giggles, sharing in the joy of the moment.

"To Hyun Bin's great Love. Happy Birthday Queen. Son Ye Jin Hyun Bin  Philippine Fan Club."

It was Hyun Bin's turn to be touched. Ever since they released the news of their relationship, both sides have been getting overwhelming support from their fans. It meant a lot to him to know that his fans were so supportive of Ye Jin, even going as far to teasing him to take good care of her. Of course, he would. Ye Jin meant the world to him and he planned on doing that.

Now, the fact that they sent a cake to his beloved on her birthday, that spoke volumes of their support towards them.

"Jagiya, your fans are too sweet." Ye Jin echoed his sentiments.

"I have to thank them one day." Hyun Bin smiled.

"Me too." Ye Jin whispered shyly.

For the rest of the day, Ye Jin and Hyun Bin continued unwrapping the gifts from fans, friends and family alike. The day was filled with laughter and happy tears because of all the love Ye Jin received. Ye Jin would often stop at a particular gift for a long while, simply processing all the sweet words written down on the cards, simply admiring the efforts placed into the gifts. She was incredibly lucky to have such a community supporting her as an actress and as a person.

As for Hyun Bin, he was simply content watching the joy play across Ye Jin's face. All these gifts were making him a tad bit nervous about his own present for her but for now, he was rejoicing in the good times with his love. Seeing her happy made him happy and he has the fans to thank this time for making her happy.

"Jagiya, this is amazing! I'm so proud of you." Hyun Bin smiled widely at his love.

"I can't believe this. It makes all the hard work worthwhile..." Ye Jin confessed.

"You deserve this, Eon Jin. Don't ever doubt yourself for a second. Your fans love you and for good reason too. You're humble, kind and so appreciative of everyone. I'm lucky to have you in my life. We all are." Hyun Bin cupped Ye Jin's face gently.

For the nth time that day, Ye Jin's eyes welled with tears, absolutely touched by everything Hyun Bin said to solidify her efforts. The whole day has been surreal for her so far. Right from the crack of dawn, Ye Jin has been receiving flowers, cards, cakes and even some household items like a toaster from her fans. Yet, what truly touched her wasn't the gifts themselves but the heart that went into them. She could feel all their love just from these little gestures. Now, all she could think of was ways she could show her appreciation to them. To gift them with something as well.

How could she share her thankful heart to them?

For now, all she could do was silently convey her appreciation.

She was the luckiest person alive.

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