Chapter Twenty two

Start from the beginning

"I would have thought by now that you would have known that maids talk. Especially ones from the Sunderland household." Suzy advised. "Anyways I think you need to speak with Mrs Frank she was looking for you earlier."

I approached Suzy to give her a hug. "I like us to continue our friendship what I do outside work is outside work. You have been good to me since I have been here. I would not do anything that would put your job at risk."

She smiled at me. "Well if the rumours are true then you are next in line to be my boss."

I stepped back shaking my head. I really need to nip these engagement rumours in the bud. It was with great dread that I had to seek out the dragon lady. We had been avoiding each other since she caught me with Ashley's pants down. Literally.

Gives a new thought to the meaning keeping my head down at work. I chuckled to myself at the joke. Within a minute I was at her door. I gave it two knocks before entering.

"I heard you wanted a word with me." I stood by the doorway. I could see her peaking at me from under her glasses.

She crooked at finger at me to enter into her room. "Come in and shut the door. What I got to say I would need to say privately."

I closed the door to sit at her desk. I almost jumped out my seat as my bottom felt too tender to sit. Ashley must have spanked me harder than I thought.

"What is it that you wanted to see me about?" I decided to get straight to the point; the less I see of her the better.

"It has been brought to my attention that you have been late to work upon more than one occasion." She took out a piece of paper.

I looked at her with a dumb founded expression on my face. I wanted to say how the hell can I be late for work all the time when I damn well live here.

She handed me the paper for me to look at.

"This is your written notice that if you continue to be late that we shall terminate you from your position of a Ladies Maid." She smiled back smugly in her chair.

I nodded my head at her. I know she was doing this to get a rise out of me. To get me angry as she is pursing me to hand in my own notice. I stood up from the chair to place the letter back on the desk to leave the room.

"Your days here are numbered." The dragon lady shouted at my retreating back.

It was with a heavy heart that I dragged myself to the staff break room. I could hear the noise of people chatting and milling about as soon as I entered the room it went silence at my presence.

Looks like word has definitely got around about my scuffle. I moved to sit at my normal table with the girls. For once Alyssa was silent as she looked at me. But not for too long.

"I did not know you know Casey." She blurted out. "Why did you hit Lexi?"

I sighed then shook my head. "You know the juicy details already." I made a point of looking down at the magazine that she had in her hand that had a picture of me hitting Lexi on the cover.

"Cause she stole your boyfriend and you put her sex tape on Facebook." She squealed. "Girl, you need to have your TV show like the Kardashians."

I got up from the table to go and sit at the end of the room. Last thing I feel like doing is gossiping about my life with her.

I started to check my iPhone when I received a message from my sister telling me that she was okay and missing me. She would like me to meet her boyfriend. She sent me a selfie that she and he took. He was a dirty blonde with green eyes. He could pass as model. He reminded me of someone I knew.

"Aww" Brandon said from behind me then came to sit at the chair opposite me. "Isn't that I a nice picture."

I clicked my Cell closed. I was about to get up but he placed his cold hand on top of mine.

"I hope your mother is okay I heard about her mugging." He smiled at me as he sat back on the couch in a rested position.

My eyes widen. "Did... Did you do that?"

"I have a lot of resources." He said instead.

"You leave my mother alone." I hissed at him.

He took out a folded picture from his pocket. "I need you to look for this bracelet for me."

It was a gold charm bracelet. That had a least seven different charms on it. "Why do you need this bracelet?"

"You do not need to know. Just find the bracelet and your family would not be harmed." He raised himself from the chair. "And I would find it quick because the people I work for are not patient people."

I snatched picture up to hide it in my breast. I cannot say no to him. I need to find the bracelet in order to protect my family.

It is only a bracelet it's not money or anything else. Apart of me was thinking of whether I should go to Ashley or not. But then Brandon said he had resources. And he worked for people. I am pretty sure the people that he was working for were not the Wentworth's.


I know this is a short Chapter but do comment and let me know what you think and how you feel this story is heading. I love your comments make me laugh. Oh yeah I would slap Lexi too.

Xx kayla.

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