Class President- No sir. He's absent today.

Mr. Lee- But it's really important for him to get back his notebook. There's a test tomorrow, how will he prepare? Someone needs to go to his house to return this. Who will take this responsibility?

The class grows silent on hearing the teacher's words. No one dares to get involved with Jimin in any way.

But there was someone, who was waiting for this opportunity for quite a long time.


She finally got her chance to get to know him better. To have some kind of interaction. And she couldn't let it go.

Y/n- I'll go.

She speaks up boldly.

All the eyes on her. Everyone astonished by her brave move. 

Why would she even fear? He wasn't a monster in her eyes. For her, he was someone devastated, who didn't know that he did need someone by his side.

Rose- Y/n no-

Rose whispers beside her. Y/n puts her hand on Rose's shoulder, assuring her that everything will be fine.

Mr. Lee- Are you sure Y/n?

Y/n- Yes definitely. 

Her confidence was evident on her face.

Mr. Lee- Ok then, come to me during the recess and I'll hand you his address.

She again sits back on her seat.

Rose- Y/n promise me that you won't get too involved with him. You'll just go and handover the notebook to him. Nothing more.

Y/n- Don't worry. I'll be fine. Trust me.

Time Skip

She stood in front of the house whose address she got from the teacher. Nervousness taking over her but she was determined enough to complete the task successfully. 

She gets forwards and knocks on the door. 

No answer.

She again knocks.

No answer.

She again goes to knock for the third time when she suddenly finds the door already open. 

How careless!! He just left the main door open like this.

She peeks inside and finds a vacant hallway. She steps more inside and closes the door behind her.

Y/n- Is someone here?

She screams but no answer came. 

Her eyes go towards the staircase which led to the upper floor. 

Maybe he's in his room.

With this in her mind, she climbs up. 

She finds a room there whose door was open. She gets inside in the hope of finding Jimin there.

She hears the sound of water coming from the bathroom. Looks like he's bathing.

She moves around, examining the room. The entire room was decorated with the photo frames of a specific girl. 

Y/n concludes it to be the same girl. She gets near to one of the photos, looking at the girl with sorry.

Y/n- I feel so sorry for what all happened to you. I wish your soul rests in peace.

Then she proceeds further and to her surprise, she finds a diary lying on the table.

The same diary in which Jimin jotts down stuff the entire day.

She knew that it was really wrong to read someone's diary without permission but she just couldn't help her curiosity. 

Y/n- In order to help him, I need to know him better, and this diary is the only way.

She convinces herself.

She takes the diary and opens its pages. Then she stops at one particular page and starts reading it.


How are you doing? I hope you're fine wherever you are. About me, I'm just the same. I've lost my voice after you left. This world seems like a burning maze to me. The only reason I'm able to survive is you. You're the only one with whom I share everything.

You know what? I scored 96% on the first assessment. Everyone was proud of me, they all cheered for me but everything feels nonsense to me without you. 

You wanted me to become a doctor. Just to fulfill your wish, I'm working hard. Or else, I would have died long ago. 

I'll work hard. Work hard to continue this useless life. But don't expect me to be happy too.

Streams of tears escape from Y/n's eyes after knowing the extent to which he was suffering. So much pain and so much sorrow.

Y/n- Poor soul.

She whispers to herself.


A firm and scary voice speaks behind her, sending shivers down her spine.

The Outcast Obsession (Park Jimin FF)Where stories live. Discover now