Each shapeshifter receives multiple slashes, not all of them were fatal, but at least one would always be. With no guidance from Lillith, VIbey opted on simply slicing every single part of the enemies, as the core was bound to be sliced in one of the attacks.

With their number culled and a better eye on the situation, they saw the small gate that was wide open, the source of all the new shapeshifters which were pouring in.

With the objective in her sight, Lillith began to set out toward the gate and set another blockade. She tried to push the enemies back a few steps, but such a feat already proved itself a challenge to attempt.

With their number so far able to populate a bustling city, the monsters kept pouring in through the small gate and replaced their slain compatriots. While the size of the door was advantageous, it still managed to replace all their fallen compatriots in no time.

In the middle, D and the chimaera were still trading blow for blow, but it was obvious he was getting pushed back, as the chimaera was receiving support from the smaller ones. Vibey immediately swerved in her route and circles back toward the chimaera.

With a large swing and flash steps, she cut off the group of shapeshifters moving towards the chimaera. Then with a quick turn, a deep slash from the side carved a large chunk off the chimaera's belly.

With it's healers pushed off and the chimaera hundred pounds lighter, D was able to gain his advantage and pushed it back. But still, with the small gate still open, such an advantage was yet again, temporary.

On the side, the group Vibey just annihilated had recovered its numbers and continued to flank. To avoid being overwhelmed, Vibey had to break off her support and went back to killing off the new shapeshifters.

Back to Lillith, she casted quicksand on the ground, learning from the previous encounter how susceptible the small one were to it. While quicksand did not have any destructive power, casting one on a wide scale could be quickly done with her current state.

The shapeshifters' track stopped and she cast another flameblast to finish off the slowed monsters and cleared her path towards the gate.

In response, the shapeshifters did what they did against her quicksand, merging together into large units to mitigate the depth of the sinking ground.

Right when the large monsters finished polymerizing, LIllith unleashed a barrage of accurate magical attacks. All directed towards the newly formed monsters, destroying their combined mana core and stopping them from advancing.

On the other side ,Vibey was facing the same situation. The monsters have converged into large giants which successfully stop Vibey in her advance.

Their large body was too thick to slash through and she needed to take her time taking down a big one before moving to the next enemy.

With the shapeshifters shifting their strategy, the chimaera also shifted its, the large rugged body pounced to the side and manoeuvred behind D. Instead of claws, a large rough paw pummelling him aside towards the wall. D received little to no damage from the throw, but the chimaera's aim was not him.

A quick turn, the chimaera quickly moved toward Lillith on the side, currently focused on sensing the shapeshifters mana to quickly dispatch the merging monsters.

"Lillith, behind you!" Vibey shouted, immediately breaking off her attacks and threw her dagger towards the chimaera, stabbing it in its eye. To follow up her quick disruption, Vibey dashed in and sliced off the lion's head. But her impromptu reaction caused her aim to miss slightly, toppling only half of the lion's head.

Still, it was enough as with one of its heavy heads toppled, it lost its balance and nearly fell over. It was fumbling to stand back up and struggling to regain its footing. That gave D enough time to chase it down and close his distance with the chimaera.

Adventurer's Story: The Descendantsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें