Chapter One- A New Plan

Start from the beginning

"Yes, Supreme Leader" said Hux. 

"Yes, Supreme Leader" said Kylo Ren. 

"Good. General Hux, begin your travel to my headquarters. Ren, you stay." The booming voice continued. 

Hux walked out of the room with his hands behind his back. Ren turned back to his master. 

"Supreme Leader, I don't think this is a good idea. The girl causes trouble wherever she goes, I certainly am not going to train with her, even if it is the only way to turn her to the Dark Side." Said Kylo. 

"That is not for you to decide, Kylo Ren, Master of the Knights of Ren. My faith in you is about to slip, I can see your mind, something is different. Han Solo perhaps?" 

"I killed Han Solo. There is nothing different." 

"Maybe not with Solo, but with our very own Rey" said the Supreme Leader. 

"She is not our own!" shouted Ren. 

"She will be soon." Said the Supreme Leader. "Which brings me to the matter of acceptance. Since half of this ship has been destroyed in the battle, there is limited space. You will oversee the girl. You will not harm her in anyway, please her, whatever it takes to draw her nearer to evil." 

"What of the space" asked Kylo. 

"She will sleep in your chambers, that is where she will live, take her wherever you go." 

"My chambers? She is not using my chambers!" said Kylo, utterly confused. 

"I have seen you wander the corridors at night. You are not using the room apart from dressing and washing. You have more than one room in your chambers" Said the Supreme Leader. "Dress her comfortably, this is important, Ren. Very important." And with that last word, the hologram disappeared and left Kylo Ren standing alone in the huge room. 

He was not expecting that. 


"Where are you taking me" Rey questioned as she was walked down a corridor by Kylo Ren. 

He didn't answer. 

Kylo, under his mask, was still trying to generate an idea of what to do now. Rey was going to be like the Queen of the Death Star if he followed the Supreme Leader's orders. 

"Ben! Where are you taking me. Tell me now!" demanded Rey. Kylo spun around. 

"The Supreme Leader seems to think that it is a good idea to treat you as if you are the Queen of the Death Star. He has given the whole ship orders to treat you as if you are one of our own" Kylo said in disgust. His deep voice clearing on the brink of anger. "And that is not my name." 

"I would rather be your prisoner than one of your own" said Rey, refusing to move from her spot. 

"I would rather too. And believe me" he said leaning in. "I have no intention of following the Supreme Leader's orders." 

Ren straighten up and forced Rey along the corridor and up a staircase. 

"Well, if I am to be treated nicely while I am here, may I have my Lightsaber back?" she asked. 

"You already know the answer to that." Said Kylo. 

They had stopped at a metal door, Kylo turned to Rey. 

"The Supreme Leader has informed me that you and your little army have desolated most of my ship, so you are to stay in the only rooms available. My chambers." Said Kylo, trying to hide his uneasy tone. 

"Your chambers" said Rey. Her eyes were open hugely with disbelief and confusion. "No way!" 

"I certainly do not wish this either. The very thought of it disgusts me. But it is the Supreme Leader's choice, and unfortunately I have to follow it." Said Kylo. 

"Where are you going to sleep?" asked Rey. 

"That is none of your business" replied Kylo. 

"It is my business if we are going to be sharing a room."  

"Never" glared Kylo Ren. "I need no bed chambers, only will I need them for dressing and washing, or so the Supreme Leader says." 

"None of you evil monsters have actually thought this through. I know nothing of this ship, nor where to go for emergencies or food, or water, or-" 

"That is why the Supreme Leader has nominated me to watch over you" said Ren. 

"You?" Rey was getting extremely confused now. 

"Yes me" said Kylo, as he began to unlock the door. "I am not thrilled about it, believe me." 

"Okay, you cannot just do this to me, look I know that the world is cruel, but this is just silly" shouted Rey. 

"I told you, I would change this whole thing if I could. I would even send you back to your people instead of this!" Ren shouted back. 

"I don't want to stay in your horrible, dark, evil, disgusting-" 

Kylo Ren flung open the unlocked door. 

"-chambers" breathed Rey. 

It was huge. The first room was massive, it was the one you stepped into when you opened the front door. Two velvet red and green sofas were placed in a right angle around a glass toped wooden table. Torches were flaming around the room's walls and paintings of the galaxy were hanging up. The room was dark, but it was cosy and warm. There was an archway and a long wooden table stood in a dimly lit other room, about the same size with the same-coloured walls and a bunch of candles on the table. There were several doors down a mini corridor to the left. It was spotless and melt as fresh as the air on Jakku Kylo Ren stepped inside; Rey followed. 

"It's dark" she said. 

Kylo Ren ignored her and moved swiftly down the mini corridor, his cloak billowing after him. 

"How is he not sweating like crazy with that horrible mask stuck to his face?" thought Rey as she followed him down the hallway. 

"This is a spare bedroom, where you will be staying." He said, hardly even looking at the girl. "There is a bathroom in there and plenty of space to live so you will have no need to bother me. My room is here." He said gesturing to the opposite door. "Conveniently you will not knock on my door even if there is an emergency." 

"Don't worry." Said Rey, after she had taken in the pure wonder of this marvellous place. "I don't talk to murderers." 

Rey slammed her door after stepping inside. She waited until she heard the man opening his own door and walking inside. She let out a sigh of every single emotion possible. What had happened to her? 

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