Chapter Three - Lets Finish This!

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Chapter Three

Let's Finish This!

        The titan that Eren had turned into yelled loudly, screeching in anger and frustration. An anger and frustration that Y/n, too, resonated with. The female titan lay on the ground, staring in awe as Eren's titan ran to her. As he rounded in on her, she got up and kicked him back, her look of awe never fading as she did. As she went to retract her leg, Eren punched her with his colossal arm, making her stumble backward. The Princess flew from the trees, swooping down and attacking the back of the titans knees with fire so thing and well handled it could pierce it's skin. The titan dropped to the floor, the back of it's knees bleeding and scorched. It glared up at Eren, using the last bit of it's strength to regain it's stance. Eren looked at her, guarding himself in a stance similar to fighting hand-to-hand combat. With her weakened knees, he easily managed to punch her back to the floor. Realizing she had no chance to win this fight, she crawled away, getting on her feet and scrambling to run. Eren's titan form chased her, and the Princess perched on Eren's head, gripping at his hair almost unnoticably. 
        Manreilaj held onto Petra, watching as the fight advanced further away. He heard the mechanical grind the gear humans used made, and turned to see Levi sweeping through the area. "Human!" He shouted. Levi had a dark look in his eyes as he saw his fallen comrades, but as he looked up to see Manreilaj holding a petrified Petra, he felt the slightest bit of relief. He flew up to them, landing on the branch. "I managed to grab her before she got hurt, but she hasn't spoken a word since I saved her. She is no doubt scarred," He informed the Corporal. Levi looked down at Petra, who had the most blank stare she'd ever exhibited. "Take her back to the formation, I'll go follow Eren and the other one of you," Levi said. "She has a name," Menreilaj growled. "And I didn't ask. Just do what I said." Manreilaj glared at him. "Disrespect my Princess and you disrespect me. I am only receding now because it is what my Princess would want. Next time, you will not be so lucky." And with that, Manreilaj spread open his fiery wings and set course to where the rest of the formation was. Levi barely spared him a glance as he took off with his 3DM gear.
        Eren had already caught up to the female titan, throwing punch after punch her way. Even with weakened knees, she was able to (mostly) swiftly dodge his attacks, ducking and strafing in order to not be hit. But in the midst of her dodging, she leaned too far back and her knees could not support her. She fell to the floor, being overtaken by Eren. He menacingly stood above her, prepared to blow a hole straight through her skull. He grimaced. It's because of him. He made the wrong decision. That's why Olou, Eld, and Gunther are dead right now. If it weren't for these outsiders that helped them, surely even Petra would be dead. All because he made the wrong decision...
        "NO!" Shouted a familiar voice. Eren's eyes widened. "Don't hesitate! This isn't your fault! You could not have guessed this is what would happen! You put your faith in your team like all good comrades do. I would trust Manreilaj with my life! But sometimes... It's just not meant to be. Even when we make what seems to be the best decision, it fails as we are left empty handed and with guilt on our heads. You are not in the wrong! But now, it is time to make them atone for their crimes! Use your anger and anguish as a guide, not a leash! Don't hold back now, it's time to finish this!" Exclaimed Y/n, who flew from atop Eren's head to glare down at the female titan. "You disgusting creature, killing innocent humans like you're a mindless Hyouni. Fadeferuela. Disgusting."
        Eren pulled his arm up, and swung at the female titan. She swerved her head, despite being pinned down and nearly defeated. She still fought. Eren struck again, only to be dodged once more. Deep inside, even despite Y/n's words, he felt hatred for his decision. If he had just turned into a titan earlier, when Levi was still there, for sure they would have won the fight. They might've even captured it on their own, without the need for the trap. If only he had transformed earlier. He glared down at the female titan. Even so, she's the ones who is truly responsible. She's the one who killed his comrades like they were ants crawling along the floor. He roared in anger, making her sink into the ground to get as far away from him as she could. Realizing his hands needed to heal, she took the opportunity to latch onto him and shove him away from her. She pushed herself away, getting to her feet. The Princess knew she had to chance on making a meaningful impact in this fight, not with the huge titans who were swinging at each other. She'd surely just be swatted out the air. She perched on a nearby tree, waiting for an opening.
        Eren pretended to be hurt by the female titan's kick, only to attack once the female titan let her guard down. He hooked her in the jaw, and nearly got her with his other fist if she hadn't jumped onto the ground in time. She rolled away, but Eren was quick to chase her and corner her against a tree. Her eyes widened as he swung for her with force she hadn't seen from him yet. Barely dodging, she ran away whilst moving away from his attacks. Just as he nearly got his shot on her, she hardened her fist and punched through his jaw. Though the bottom part of his jaw was severed, he didn't let that deter him. He traveled up her hardened arm, catching her off guard with his hardest hit yet. She went flying into a nearby tree, landing in a sitting position. She weakly fell onto her arm. Eren, his jaw now now gone which made his tongue hang out, walked toward her. Seeing this as her moment, she made to fly into the fight but was held back by someone grabbing onto her short hair. She yelped, looking back to see that Levi had managed to find them. "You!" She exclaimed, looking at him with surprise. "Don't interrupt this, you don't have the manpower to help," He warned her. She frowned. "Yes I do! Don't underestimate... me," She muttered, realizing she sounded a lot like Levi's squad did earlier when they were attempting to fight the female titan. Levi rolled his eyes. "Just stay on standby. If the situation changes, then you hop in." She sighed, but knew that his orders were sensical. 
        As Eren came in to knee her, she jumped away just in time. He watched her closely as she ran, but his body had taken too many blows. He leaned against the tree, nearly giving out. The female titan was panting in a similar manner, taking a moment as well. Y/n looked to Levi, then the female titan. This was it. 
        She jumped from her perch, and like an arrow she set hands ablaze and shot through the air. She pierced the female titan's shoulder, cutting it clean off. The female titan's eyes widened. She had forgotten about the princess. The Princess took her momentary shock as another point of entry, darting back to the female titan in order to deliver a swift bow to her chest. Using her wings and fire power, she was able to create enough force to knock over the female titan. The larger female brought her hand up, attempting to swat at Y/n. She swiftly dodged, swiveling around the extended arm with her piercing fire power. The arm was scorched, burning flesh sizzling. Eren had recovered, running to the female titan and using his last bit of energy to swing at her. She dodged, moving to the side as quick as she could. Y/n flew up, letting Eren handle the female titan. Becoming desperate, the female titan used the last means she had to win this fight. She got up and ran towards Eren, using her unsevered arm to chop his skull in half. Y/n gasped, watching as his head fell, and his headless body dropped. The female titan walked to Eren's fallen body, going to his name and ripping him out of the corpse. 
        "NO!" Y/n yelled, spreading her wings to take flight and save the poor boy. She heard another voice cry out. "EREN!" She turned to see a black haired female shooting through the trees with 3DM gear, and they both watched as Eren was engulfed in the titan's mouth. The suspended female's eyes were wide, and her mouth agape as she watched Eren get captured and swallowed. She gasped, her eyes filled with pain. "Human!" She looked up to see a strange creature flying not too far away. "Don't worry, I'll get to him!" The creature shouted. She flew straight for the female titan, setting her hands ablaze. Mikasa could only watch as Y/n chased after the female titan and Eren. "W-wait.... Eren," She muttered. "D-don't go..." Almost instantly her sorrow filled gaze hardened. She readied herself to chase after the titan that stole Eren, and zipped ahead with the 3DM gear. She went as fast as she could through the trees, her short hair whipping around her head as she traveled as quickly as she possibly could. 
        Though the strange fire-like creature was already ahead of her. The female titan looked back, covering her nape with her unsevered hand as she realized she had two attackers. The princess flew as fast as possible, catching up to the female titan with ease. She flew around the female titan, using her fire to pierce through it's skin. Mikasa caught up, assisting the creature in taking down the female titan. She didn't know who they were, but they were helping get Eren back. And that's all she cared about. 
        The two of them brought down her defenses, their swift and quick attacks becoming too much for the female titan to handle. Y/n swiveled up, snagging the female titan's nose, and cheek with her fire. The titan's eyes widened as she realized the two attackers would soon break down her every defense. "Get her knees!" Y/n yelled to Mikasa, who nodded in response. She glared at the female titan, dropping down her the back of her knees before striking them both. "Give him back!" She shouted at the titan. The titan fell to the floor, the hand on her nape tightening as her other stump steamed as it healed. Mikasa struck the titan's hand, growling as the titan hardened her hand. Y/n looked down at the hardened hands, dropping down on them and trying to use her fire to melt away the hardened part. Mikasa glared down at the titan, then looked to Y/n. "Why won't my blade go through?" She yelled. "This is hardened skin, somehow she's made her skin a sort of shield! Nothing can pierce it as far as I've seen," Y/n shouted to her. Mikasa hung onto a tree, looking back at the female titan. "I know... he's alive," She muttered. She threw her previous blades away, replenishing them. "I know Eren is still alive!" She looked back to Y/n, who was having trouble trying to melt away the hand. "We have to try and sever this arm!" Y/n concluded, flying away from the female titan. "Her shoulder, aim for that!" Mikasa nodded, seeing as how they had no means of quickly severing the titan's arm other than this. "No matter where you go," said Mikasa. "I'll be sure to strike you down with my blade! I'll get Eren out of that filthy place!" She took a gentler tone, closing her eyes. "I'm sorry, Eren. Wait just a little bit longer." Y/n saw how the female titan's muscles tightened. She was preparing to attack. She swiftly flew to Mikasa, grabbing her and flying away just in time for the female titan's hand to come crashing onto the tree Mikasa previously hung from. Looking down at the human in her arms, she smiled. "Your right, we will get him out of that filthy place!" She confirmed, throwing Mikasa into the air. Quickly getting the memo, Mikasa was about to swing back around to the titan when she was caught in the air. She looked up, seeing it was Levi who had grabbed her. "STOP! What are you-!?" 
        "Fall back for now," Ordered Levi, looking at the princess who circled the titan. Mikasa looked back at the sight, then back at Levi. She pushed him away, using her 3DM gear to latch onto a tree next to him. The two watched as the female titan and Y/n got farther away, and followed them from a distance. "Maintain this distance," Levi told her. Mikasa's gaze was fixed ahead. "What is that thing? That... woman?" Mikasa asked, pointing toward Y/n. Levi looked at her as well, his gaze darkening. "I have no idea. She appeared with a fleet of people her same race. She called them the 'Reiposa.' She's their leader, they refer to her as Princess." Mikasa took in this information. "They appeared out of nowhere?" Levi nodded. "They came out of the woodwork once we first captured the female titan. Even then, once things turned sour they attempted to help us. It makes no sense." They watched as Y/n used her flame to attack the female titan, scorching her torso and remaining arm. There was no doubt, she was an amazing fighter. Her form, her swift attacks, even the fighters Levi saw earlier had nothing on her style of fighting. Though, it seems that the titan's hardening power in her weak point. Her fire does nothing to it, not even melt it. 
        "The female titan is becoming exhausted," Levi pointed out. "And with that Reiposa's attacks, her stance is getting even weaker." He looked back at Mikasa. "It looked like he was bitten out, nape and all. So is he dead?" Mikasa scowled at him question. "He's alive," She answered without hesitation. "The target appears to be intelligent, and capturing Eren seems to be it's goal. Otherwise, they would've just crushed him," Said Mikasa. "But the target deliberately stuffed him in it's mouth before fighting to retreat." Levi gripped his blades tighter. "It's goal may have been to eat Eren, in which case he would be in it's stomach," He muttered. "Chances are, he's dead." Mikasa glared at him. "He's alive!" She insisted. "I hope you're right," Said Levi. Mikasa rolled her eyes. "If you'd protected him, this wouldn't have happened to begin with!" She exclaimed. He looked at her, his eyes widening. "I see... you're from back then. Your Eren's close friend?" She looked at him, choosing to remain silent. "For now we have to give up on killing the female titan." Levi changed the subject, going ahead at a faster pace. "But they've killed so many of our comrades!" Mikasa protested. "As long as it can reinforce it's skin, we stand no chance. Look, even that creature can't penetrate it," He pointed out.
        Mikasa knew it was true. They had been watching for long enough to know that there was no way to penetrate the titan's hardened skin. "We'll place our hopes on Eren being alive, and rescue him before it gets out of the forest," He concluded. "You draw it's attention, I'll assist that girl in hacking it away," He ordered her. She nodded, quick to follow out his plans. She zipped ahead, using her blades to nip at the titan and get it's attention. The titan's other arm was almost fully healed at this point, but the rest of her body wasn't doing so good. Y/n saw Levi approaching, knowing it was finally time to put an end to this. She flew into the air, getting out the titan's line of sight. She grabbed Levi, who made a disgruntled noise at the sudden action. But as he saw her trajectory, he knew what she was trying to do. He readied his blade as he anticipated the next few movements. 
        The female titan was quick to turn around, attempting to throw a punch at the two of them. Y/n flew up, throwing Levi toward it's arm. He used his blades in a spinning motion, quickly piercing through it's arm and traveling upward towards it's face. Y/n followed quickly behind him, swirling around it's arm just as quick and using her fire to scorch and pierce through it. The titan's only good arm was ripped to shreds as Levi reached it's face, using his blades to pummel into the titan. Though the onslaught wasn't done yet. Levi flew back, replenishing his blades before throwing himself back at the titan, using his blade to pierce through it's torso down to it's legs. Y/n did the same to the other side of it's body, following Levi's movements. The titan's body was already scorched, but now was bleeding an excessive amount. They were quick to immobilize the titan fully. Mikasa watched with wide eyes. The two of them cut down the titan in the blink of an eye, like they were born to be partners. 
        "Human! You made it!" Y/n exclaimed with a smile. "I knew I heard a familiar voice from all the way back there! I didn't wanna take out the titan until I was sure only allies were in the area. Wouldn't want this traitor's friends coming in and swooping them away," She explained as she flew next to him. He looked at her with an annoyed glare. "You mean you could have finished this the entire time?" He grumbled. She nodded. "Well I mean, you make it sound like I was holding back. I was just being cautious!" She pointed out. "But that's not the point right now! This is it, right here." She set her entire arms ablaze, which her now blackened. "Let's finish this!" The two of them threw themselves at the female titan, whose eyes were cut and arms were missing. It's nape was exposed, which Mikasa noticed immediately. She went in for the kill, which made Y/n's eyes widen. "No, wait!" She exclaimed, quickly flying to Mikasa and grabbing her before she could make it to the female titan. The female titan's mouth opened, as though she was anticipating Mikasa to fly right into her jaw. As her mouth opened, the three of them saw Eren wrapped in a coating of what they could only assume was saliva. He was okay, just unconscious. "Eren!" Mikasa exclaimed. Y/n threw her into the air, making Mikasa cling onto a nearby tree. Y/n was quick to fly back down and cut it's jaw, making it's mouth stay open as she grabbed Eren and swung back around. "Oi!" Levi called out to the two of them. "We're turning back around!" Mikasa looked to Y/n, then Eren who was in her arms. "Eren!" She cried out. Y/n smiled at Mikasa. "See?" Said the princess. "We got him back." Mikasa was surprised by the gentle words, but gave Y/n a smile of her own. "We'll have the chance to properly meet later," Y/n said to Mikasa. "For now, let's get going! There's no time to capture the female titan. Right now, it's enough that he's alive and okay. A little dirty, but nothing we can't fix!" She joked. Mikasa nodded, understanding her words. It was best to not go after the female titan. They'll have the time to later. For now, it was time to head back to the walls safely, Eren in tow. She looked up at the strange creature. "At the very least," Mikasa called out. "What is your name?" The Princess looked at Mikasa, giving her a gentle smile. "My true name may be a bit confusing, so you may call me Y/n. I am the proud Princess of the Reiposa. It's a pleasure to meet you," She said, gently moving Eren in her arms. Mikasa looked at her, all weariness from before melting away. "I-it's... nice to meet you too. I'm... I'm Mikasa." The two shared looks of appreciation and respect. The battle they just faced with each other would surely stay in their minds, and hearts for years to come. And now, the beginning of a new relationship between Human and Reiposa. 
        Hello again!!!
        Mikasa is now a new possible friend of the reader!! I love Mikasa sm, she's amazing. It was a pleasure to write about her character! 
        Next chapter will be time for some answers! Finally, right? Jeez, I didn't expect this arch to take 3 chapters lmao. But after this, it's smooth sailing. 
Time for everyones favorite..... exposition.....?
        Nah jk i'll make it bearable lol
Thanks for reading!!!!!!!!

[ 10.2 pages · 3,575 words ]

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2021 ⏰

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