Chapter One - The true Wings of Freedom

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Above is what the reader looks like, minus the obvious colored features such as eyes, skin, and hair. 
the Reiposa have long, protruding ears coming from the sides of their head. Their ears match their hair color. They also have large horns that vary in placement from Reiposa to Reiposa. Some have horns on the side of their head, the front, the back, even the middle. Only the Princess and Queen have actual feathers on their wings. All other Reiposa have wings based on their element. And only the Princess and Queen wear crowns that attach to their horns. The Princess has extremely short hair for a reason! Please bear with me!
This drawing is made by me!

Chapter One

The True Wings of Freedom 

        I remember that day as though it were yesterday, though it was many years ago. Back when I was just a child, barely aged five. My horns were mere bumps on my head, and my wings were just small appendages on my back. My mom held me close as she flew somewhat above the human's society. On the other side of the huge walls. I looked over, my wide eyes glistening as I took it the sight. The humans bustled below, we being too far away for them to notice. Their homes were small, but the humans were quite large. I wondered why they didn't make their homes bigger to accommodate their size. 
        "Mother," I called for her. She looked down at me in her arms, nuzzling me close. "Yes, my dear?" I look back at the humans. "Why are they crammed into those walls?" I asked her. "The humans are feeble and cowardly. They lack the strength to fight against the Hyouni, my dear," Answered my mother. "But," She added, maneuvering her hand to point at a group of humans gathering at the entrance to their wall. "A few of the brave ones leave every now and again. We must respect them for not being as cowardly as the rest of their kind. But they lack the strength necessary to defeat the Hyouni. Many do not return back to their sacred walls," She finished her explanation. I frowned, the wonder once in my eyes becoming pity. Poor humans. I look down at the group that were riding the hanshae, the horses. They were riding off, many of them to their untimely deaths. Even back then I could understand the hopelessness of the human's situation. 
        "Mother, why do we not help these poor creatures?" I asked her. She shook her head, holding me close. "They hurt us," She quickly responded. "We lay in wait as this is their punishment." I looked back down at the humans. They hurt us? I could only nuzzle against my mothers chest as she held me. I watched as the humans rode off, my eyes trailing back to the village. Poor humans. "Kanchelieha!" Me and my mother turn our gazes to a soldier who flew closer to us. He was a fire class, his wings burning bright red with an undying flame and his hand covered in charred skin. He held both of his hands to his chest, gently bowing his head. "At ease," My mother said with a kind smile. "My Queen," He began. "The preparations are complete. We are ready to begin the operation." My mother nodded. "Operation?" I inquire. "What operation Mother?" She looked at me, shaking her head. "None of your concern. Ugeleithed, please escort my daughter back to Haven. I will stay and commune with the commander on the operation. Make sure she makes it home safe." She flew to him, passing me over to the young soldier. He held onto me, nodding his head. "Of course, my Queen," He nodded. My mother crossed her hand over his forehead, in between his horns. "Ko yasharlei yo meikapas le mendafain. May you have a blessed day, and may Yoseipela guide you," She blessed him. He bowed his head in silence, as we are all taught to do should the Queen bless us. 
        With me in his arms, he flew back to Haven. He was warm, seeing as he was a fire type. I could feel myself drifting off to sleep in his arms, feeling safe and protected. But the image of those humans that rode out into the great land flashed through my head again. Many would be dead in just a few hours. I frowned once more as sadness overcame me. Poor humans.


I can fight, even alone- Can't I?

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