"True that." Kyle called out making Adrian roll his eyes but not say anything. "Papa you need to talk to dad and tell him you're not dead anymore along with that tell him your first son in law can help him open his magic." Adrian exclaimed but only this time there was a smile included making Nik sigh then chuckle. "I hear you Adrian but I do need to make sure this demon infestation is gone and they can't harm us anymore." The older male replied making Adrian worry, he knew there was something even more sinister to worry about now, even demons didn't compare to what he had witnessed.

"It's going to be okay, I just hope you won't drag me by my ear when I reveal what we're about to do." He explained with a slight nervousness, and it was warranted because the demons had been causing so much harm and damage but he had just saved one from getting killed and potentially put his life and the family in danger. "Adrian was naughty, what did you do?" Kyle perked up from behind a bookshelf making Adrian groan, of course, he would choose that moment to say something. "Shut up Kyle!" Both Nik and Adrian said at the same time glaring at the hybrid who shrank back down behind the bookshelf.

The witch snapped his fingers and a pentagram drawn by white sand appeared. "Place a candle on each point, I will soak the sage in serpents blood." He instructed and Nik placed a candle as he was told whilst Adrian placed sage soaked in venom over each candle, when they were done Kyle was now beside Nik, both of them were expecting something big from what Adrian could tell, he hoped he didn't scare them. "Summonier et salis." Adrian mumbled as his hands glowed white and he shot a beam of bright white light onto the centre of the pentagram and a portal opened.

A hand slipped out of the portal, then another along with shining red hair, he kept crawling out until his body was fully out and he was naked as the day he was born. "Adrian, what is this?!" Kyle yelled as a red glow covered his whole body. "Calm down Kyle, he's restrained." Nik intervened and pointed to the candles that were now burning furiously. "You should really stop to think before you act, I thought you were a vampire, that can't just be for good looks." Nik commented making Adrian snicker in the background as he closed the portal.

"How am I here, what happened?" The twin to Leyton questioned as he looked around, he clutched on to the blanket Adrian had thrown at him. "You're in my home." The witch replied making the demon snap around to look at him. "Adrian how did you—how did you know?" The demon questioned but the witch knew Kyle and Nik were interested to know as well. "I was there when you were attacked, my astral form anyway, I saved you from becoming a living mana battery, then placed you in a temporary dimension of my creation where I cut off your connection to the demonic plane so that little tether at the back of your head is gone, I then opened the portal here and brought you out." He explained whilst showing what happened to Nik and Kyle who were shocked more than anything.

"Who was that woman?" Kyle questioned looking at the demon on the floor who seemed to be having an internal argument with himself. "You saved me from my own people, I don't know how you figured that out and you also saved me from that crazy bitch who seems to have her own agenda when she used us." The demon exclaimed as he finally got up to stand, he looked at the three of them before setting his eyes on the older male who was also a banshee. "I had no choice but to rip you out from the other side, if you figured it out, my actions weren't my own, I'm deeply sorry, the witch you saw is a woman with incredible power, she's one of the witches who were used during the banishment of the demons, and claimed our knowledge for herself, she's used that knowledge for her own gain, she was corrupted by demonic magic but make no mistake her actions are her own." The demon relayed freely and Adrian knew each word that came from him was absolute truth.

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