"I'm guessing Kyle told you?" Adrian asked as they sat on the chairs by the front porch. "Not all of it, but the nonshocking part I guess." He mused making Adrian chuckle. "He knew where my father was all along, when I opened the link to him yesterday his mind connected to mine and I saw a lot of things, one of those things was how he was my and the rest of my sibling's grandfather, I already knew our father wasn't coming back but—."  Jax made him pause, he didn't understand what the statement not coming back meant.

"Where is your father?" Jax questioned with a hand rubbing Adrian's back. "He's somewhere in New England, has a wife and two kids." Adrian confessed with tears running down his cheeks, Jax could feel the pain that his mate felt and it broke his heart too. "He forgot about us Jax, moved on with his life and I'm here hoping one day the twins can finally know their father instead of calling me dad." Jax could feel the pain that radiated from Adrian, but he couldn't do anything but just hold him, they teleported into their bedroom, Jax laid on their bed and held his crying mate, how he hated to see him so broken and hurt, how could any father abandon his children.

It seemed the more they learned about themselves the more pain they experienced, Jax hoped their lives would be better but that wasn't the case, their lives were stuck in an infinite loop of trying to survive the odds and it seemed fate was playing a cruel game. The vampires, demons, the secrets, the lies from everyone around them, couldn't they rest, only for a day and just move on with their lives, why couldn't they just be found at peace. Adrian had cried himself to sleep but Jax knew he would be better when the sun set, he walked to the bathroom and took a quick shower, the kids would be hungry and with Adrian in pain, Johnny was obviously going to be out of commission.

He decided to check on Johnny first, so he went directly to his room, he found the boy sitting on the bed with Kyle. "Jax." Johnny choked out and ran to him, Jax didn't need to say anything, he just held his little brother and consoled him, held him in his arms promised he would never leave him and he would always protect him, no matter what, that's what he intended to do, he wouldn't abandon them, he wouldn't have the strength to either, Kyle joined in on the hug until Johnny was fine again, no one could ever truly understand how hard this was on him, he knew Johnny had felt his emotions the previous night, now he was feeling Adrian's along with his own, how much could they take.

Jax nodded to Kyle and the man lifted Johnny easily and laid him down on the bed, Jax radiated an aura of safety and protection, his heat comfortably filled the air, it tugged at your heart and took your pain away and replaced it without love, it spread around past the room into the whole house, bringing a sense of peace over everyone, this was his way of showing them that he was here for them, he was here to protect them. "Sleep, little brother." He mumbled placing a kiss on Johnny's forehead.

Kyle had moved from the bed into the bathroom, he gestured for Jax to follow and the sight was pleasant and unpleasant weirdly at the same time. "Adrian found him at the demon hideout and because Johnny was so angry with everything, he tore him apart, and this is what is left of him." Kyle explained pulling out the head of Leyton from a black bag dripping with blood. "Oh, my goddess." Jax mumbled looking at the head but no pity came from his heart. "Good riddance." Both he and his second soul meant that in every way, he was glad to be rid of him. "Burn the remains will you." Jax suggested to the hybrid who smiled brightly at the suggestion.

It was almost noon and the boys needed to be fed so he immediately walked out after patting Kyle on the shoulder, he made his way out the bathroom and then out the bedroom, an aroma filled the house, it reminded him of home, of the days he would come back late from practice and see his papa cooking with his dad, it was always Ratatouille with those two and he smelled it. "Pops." He mumbled and ran down the hallway toward the stairs and just as he landed on the last step he froze. "Jaxon Renee Milford what do I always say about running in the house!" He yelled, there he was, all of him and not a scratch in sight and no signs of death at all.

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